Sunday, August 09, 2009

Vacation Part I - Jared & Deb's wedding

WHOA MOM! This is a BIT close!

9 hour drive---yup we did it...we plugged our kid in....

Asleep at the rehearsal dinner

Hi! Hi baby!

You are pretty cute!

M-wah! Let me give you a kiss--sweet thing!

Mom--did you see this baby--she is TOO CUTE!

Another kiss, just for you!

Check out my swim suit!

Only pic we have of him all dressed up!

The happy couple

He must have had something very important to say

Hanna Banana's!

There was no keeping the ice cream away from this lil' girl

The damage!

Packing for a 10 day trip with kids is no easy thing...We had most stuff packed, but it was after midnight by the time Rob and I had everything loaded in the van. We quickly realized that even though we have a bigger vehicle now--two kids pretty much fills that space pretty quickly....
So we got up at 3 AM and left for Springfield, Missouri. Yes, your calculations are correct, Rob and I each got less than 3 hours of sleep. We were on the road shortly before 4 AM. We planned to leave so early because we figured the kids would fall back asleep in the van and we could drive at least 3 or four hours with them asleep. Well as always--it didn't work out that way. Alaina took FOREVER to fall back asleep--and well Ky--he just didn't go back to sleep at all. The plan had been --make it to Springfield (maybe even St. Louis) for breakfast and then get to Springfield MO for a late lunch....Ummm..yeah--As all parents know, you have to be flexible.
So Ky didn't go to sleep--and for the sake of Alaina we plugged him into a DVD player sometime around 6:30ish--hoping that maybe that would put him to sleep OR at minimum he wouldn't wake his sister...Well he stayed awake alright...
BTW--we purchased a portable DVD player just for this trip. And I have to say, I am very glad we did. I am not a fan of plugging my kid in, but for long trips--I will make an exception. Around 7:30 Alaina woke up, so we ended up stopping in some little town. They had a Bob Evan's and that was all that really mattered--YUMMY! I am glad the waitress was in good spirits and dealt with us all rather well. We let Alaina crawl around a little and get some energy out--and you know Ky--he got Whipped cream on his pancakes and he was good to go.
Back in the van we went. We did some coaxing of Alaina and she EVENTUALLY fell back asleep--and well Ky--he was just TOO addicted to that DVD player. It is so funny too...he had the headphones on, and when an episode was over he would start yelling "MOM IT'S DONE! I NEED A NEW VIDEO!" (He would yell, talking over the sound in his ears, not realizing he was yelling.) Lunch was past St. Louis when Alaina couldn't stand being in her car seat anymore. We got off at an exit that had a lot of restaurants listed, but they were all rather disgusting. We ended up eating Subway and then hitting the road again.
By now it was a tad bit longer than we would have liked....By the time we got to Springfield, we had been on the road 12 hours. We needed to hurry and check into our hotel and then get to the wedding rehearsal.
Prior to this trip, Rob and I tried to do as much research as possible on hotels before we booked them. We wanted a large room, so we could set up Alaina's Pak n' play and Ky could sleep on the floor or roll away bed or whatever we got for him. So our first hotel was La Quinta in Springfield and let me say that our room was rather lousy. First of all, I realize that hotel rooms are not going to be childproof--however I do expect them to be somewhat safe. This one had wires going down walls to sockets (fully exposed) as well as a disintegrating entertainment center. The wood was literally coming apart in powder, and the floor did not appear to be vacuumed. So new crawler on our hands--this was not a happy room. Alaina just wanted to eat the entertainment center with the yummy wood that would come off in her mouth. YUCK! So I give very poor marks to this hotel...
Anyway, back to the story. We hurriedly checked in and Rob quickly took off to pick up his suit for the wedding while I organized the room (set up the pak n' play, got out the kids clothes, and attempt to make the room a little safer for Alaina, etc...) Once Rob returned, we were off to the rehearsal. We got there and tried to explain (once again) Ky's important role as ring bearer. We introduced him to the the flower girl, talked to him about walking down the aisle and then got ready to practice. Well he was doing alright, considering he had had no sleep and then he overheard the wedding planners talking about closing the door before the bride walks down the aisle and he lost it. He thought they were going to close the door on him and yeah--he lost it....So of course here I am trying to take care of crawling Alaina & bawling Ky (remember Rob is in the wedding.) ARGH! Yeah--then he had to go pee. So I took him to the tiny restroom and set Alaina down and then she started grabbing onto this board that was hanging from the wall and I was afraid it was going to fall on her--and then I heard KY start crying again and it turns out he peed all over his shirt. AHHH!!! So I have to run out to the car, and of course all his clothes are back at the hotel--BUT being the prepared Mom I am, I always have an extra change of clothes in this compartment in the car---BUT it has been MONTHS since I put those clothes there, so of course he had outgrown the clothes, but we put them on anyway and he got to wear a TOO short shirt. YES...and that is not the end...

Ky continued to LOSE it for the rest of the dress rehearsal. Alaina wanted down...Yeah I had my hands full. I can say that I did not enjoy that night in the least. I was VERY stressed after all that. I am just thankful that Ky fell asleep in the van on the way to the dinner and actually stayed asleep during the dinner--something he never does. So at least the dinner was somewhat enjoyable and we got to catch up with some old friends. I then left with the kids and put them down myself (Rob had a boys night with the groom & friends). They went down pretty well. YEAH! Though by 2 we were woken by Alaina and she of course insisted in being in our bed. We can't blame her too much. She is used to her crib and it was a different place. (Did I mention she had been sleeping through the night for at least 2 months by this point?)
Of course we were up early with kids (how do they always know to get up early?) Which was fine, Rob was having a morning with the boys again--so I was going to spend the day with the kids and get them ready for the wedding.
We all had a quick breakfast together and a quick dip in the hotel pool and then Rob took off. That left me with the kids that were still short on sleep. Hmmmm...Well I couldn't really figure out what to do with them, so I took them to the mall. (BTW--did I mention that it was 100 degrees out so going to the park was out of the question.) I let the kids play on the mall playground and then we were off to McD's for lunch (UGH!) But not before Ky had another meltdown. At this point, I knew that a good nap would be the only way he would survive this wedding (if at all). After a quick lunch at McD's (UGH-), we went back to the hotel for a nap. I turned off most of the lights in the room, closed the shades and read a book hoping that my lack of moving would help them go to sleep. Well--that did not happen. Ky kept Alaina up for the longest time by making noises and smacking his feet around. I did what I could to discipline--but what can you do? Alaina finally fell asleep and an hour later Ky was still up. Dad came back at this point to check in and see an awake Ky and an annoyed Mom. I told him to give Jared a head's up that the ring bearer was not looking good. Rob then took off to the chapel.
40 minutes before we had to go, Ky fell asleep. I then got up and got myself ready and tried to figure out the logistics of making this wedding happen. Yeah--my conclusion--it was not going to happen. I laid out all of Alaina's & Ky's stuff. I figured I would get her up first and get her ready and then just have Ky get up, eat and go. I would get him dressed at the church. (It was going to be too hot for him to travel in a long sleeved shirt (remember 100 degrees--no joke!)
Things pretty much worked out like that. I gave him a Pop Tart to eat and had him in a Really good mood. I didn't even mention the ring bearer stuff.
Off we went to the church. I got him dressed and then talked to him about his job and asked if he would do it. He said "no".

So then I pulled out the big guns. I pulled out several pieces of candy and told him that if he walked down the aisle with the little girl and walked straight to me, I would give him the candy when he got to me. Ky's big-eyed response "OKAY!" When Dad then tried to take him to the back of the church, he once again changed his mind and started crying. I then told Dad--abort the ring bearer plan. It isn't going to happen.
So as a smart mom--I chose to move myself and the children to the very back of the small church near the door to escape whenever Ky chose to lose it. I had all sorts of stuff to keep him occupied, Goldfish and toys and crayons. Everything was going great. The wedding had begun, Rob was looking quite handsome at the front of the church in his tux (the groom too--gotta give Jared props) and then the flower girl started walking down the aisle. Ky looked up and noticed her and lost it.
He started screaming "THAT'S THE LITTLE GIRL, I AM SUPPOSED TO BE WALKING WITH THE LITTLE GIRL!" So I plopped ALaina on the floor, clamped my hand over his mouth---he kept screaming--I tried to run out of the church--but there is only one exit--the one the bride is now entering...So here I am crouched in the back of the church with a screaming boy, a little girl who is crawling who knows where, while the bride is walking down the aisle. Oddly enough--I think she was so into the moment, she didn't even notice me and Ky. Though if there is any video tape--I am sure Ky's screaming is on it.
It took a few minutes to calm Ky down, but I finally did it. I am lucky Alaina didn't go too far and we were able to return to our seats. Aside from this, the wedding was very nice. Of course I was stressed waiting for the next tantrum to interrupt, but I was lucky and that was not the case.
I have to say the bride was beautiful--and seeing her with Jared--she was beaming & giddy and loving every moment of THEIR ceremony. It was too cute! I love weddings!
Once the wedding was over though I just wanted to get out. I was too panicked about dealing with another tantrum. We went right to the reception, and it was a relief to just let the kids BE. They were very good, sleep-deprived, but good. Alaina took a real liking to Greg--and old college alum of ours and Ky was loving Bemus (also a fellow Alum). The food was good and I was glad that Dad was able to sit with me and the kids to help out with the meal and any possible tantrums. Ky loved the music and took up to dancing with Greg. I have some pics, but they didn't come out to well. He was too CUTE shaking up the dance floor. Alaina also enjoyed everything that was going on. She did panic at one moment when a lady she didn't know got a little too close and she couldn't see mommy anymore. Rob and I were also able to get a dance in, which was nice. Oh--I almost forgot to mention the chocolate fountain at the wedding! INGENIOUS! Every wedding should have one! YUM!
We didn't stay too long for the wedding, the kids were overtired--and we had to get going in the morning for our camping trip. I wish I had more pics of the wedding and such--but I was on edge most of the time with the kids. Oh well...
That night we all crashed--and yes Alaina ended up in our bed again. Not surprisingly, the kids still got up early, we ate breakfast, and then got cleaned up and packed. We then hit the local WalMart to get our camping food and supplies. We were looking for a local place for lunch and ended up at CiCi's pizza....not local..but a chain we hadn't been to. It was pretty good for $5 per person. After lunch we then hit our first local Ice Cream store in Springfield--Hanna Banana's. This ice cream place was very similar to Cold Stone, though I do think Cold Stone is a tad yummier. The girl was very nice there. She kept giving us samples! YUM! We left at naptime for Lake of the Ozarks. The kids slept most of the way.
Next Blog--Camping at Lake of the Ozarks.

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