Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Active Kids

Mmm...popsicles! And this is why we only eat them outside!

Mom...I'm too tired for lunch.....

First time Alaina ever fell asleep in her high chair

She crawls on EVERYTHING now!

Got on the rocking chair herself. She loves to Rock!

Uncle Ry & Ky in the pool

Uncle Ry & Alaina

Aunt Steph & Alaina

Ky testing the waters

Playing in the pool at home.

At Olbrich beach

Throwing rocks at Olbrich beach

Capital in the background.

Slow down! Stop! Wait! Come Here! --the top six words currently in my vocabulary--and no not for Kylan--ALAINA!!!

Alaina is such a mover! I can not get a good picture of her. She doesn't look at the camera and she is always trying to take off. Have you noticed the pics of her from the last month or so have not been so good? UGH! I remember going through this with Kylan too but not nearly so wildly! She climbs everything! She disappeared one day--and I turned to Rob and said, where is Alaina? Turns out she had gone upstairs ON HER OWN! (Oops! Yes, now we always remember the gate!) And not only can she go upstairs, she can go down them by herself. It took us forever to teach Ky how to go down stairs. I actually feel pretty comfortable about letting her go downstairs by herself--however I don't. She just seems to young to be so capable.

Kylan was much more timid about things...and he didn't go out of the room you were in. Alaina, she is totally opposite. There is a whole world to explore and no one is going to stop her! She loves stools---yeah, we keep those put away. She will move stools and small chairs so she can climb up them and onto things. Her baby doll stroller she loves to crawl in--though it doesn't really support her so this has become a concern.

She is also into winding things around her neck...A really bad combination with the "going out of your sight" and climbing up things. The other day she toddled into the room with the Nintendo game controllers wrapped around her neck! She was very proud of herself. When I vacuum, She goes for the cord and starts winding it around her neck. Oh God--please let this phase pass quickly! I have tried to hide all cords or strings of any kind from her. And yes, Ky's Yo yo (not that he could yo yo) has been put away.

Alaina is also picking up on words. She was saying book and truck the other day. She loves "uh-oh" and will purposely drop things just so she can say it. She plays with her hair when she is tired, which is nice because now I know when I need to put her down (since she isn't really taking a morning nap anymore.)
Ky on the other hand just spits out funnies all the time. Here are a couple of good ones:
"There's a turkey on Alaina's nose" (referring to a piece of lunch meat on her nose at lunch.)
"I so love you"--this is one of my favorites from Ky.
"My baby is in my tummy--I feed it by eating food" (we have tried to explain that only girls have babies in their tummies--but he is convinced there is one in his.)
"I can carry this because my elbows are big and strong"
"My arms don't have enough weight to carry that!"
He is also starting to say some embarrassing things around people he notices--in front of them. Here are a couple of those:
"Mr. Clay is missing teeth."
"That man looks like he has a baby in his tummy"
It depends on the situation to how I react. I didn't know the man with a baby in his tummy--so we just kept walking and I didn't say anything to Ky--maybe I should have? Yeah I probably should have, but it is hard to explain to a kid his age that you don't point out odd things about them out loud in public. And well Mr. Clay is missing teeth. I just changed the subject quickly.
The pics in this blog are from the end of August. We went to visit Pops & Debi for a day. The kids had fun in the pool. We also had a couple last good days out in the backyard. I went to the beach one day with them--but ended up leaving rather quickly because a bunch of drunks showed up. (it was the morning!) Ky then had a tantrum. UGH! It is hard to explain the reality of life to a child. Can't you people be drunk in the privacy of your own home? Why do you have to pollute our beaches where us mother's have to protect our children's eyes and ears from your vulgarity. Ok--enough ranting. This is the first time I have ever encountered that sort of situation though with my kids.
Next blog I will cover Sept up to Alaina's birthday. That will be a cool one--I will put some movie clips up of the kids! I love my new camera! SO COOL! Stay tuned!

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