Thursday, September 10, 2009

Staycation day 4 & 5: Olbrich Gardens & the Beach

Day 4 of our Staycation really wasn't much of a Staycation--but after Chicago--we really just needed a day to relax. We had church that morning and then Ky's soccer game that afternoon (where Ky scored his first goal--in the other team's net.) We then had a nice meal and prepared for Day 5.

Day 5, we started our morning at Olbrich Gardens. The last day of Blooming Butterflies was the day before, BUT if you go the couple days following you can still see butterflies and for only $1! Ky instantly remembered how he had seen the butterflies last year with Nana (a year ago! He was just over 2!) His memory is just amazing! He had a lot of fun trying to catch the butterflies. Alaina liked them as well, especially when they would fly over the stroller.
After that we headed to Lake Ripley in Cambridge. We had to pay per person to get in...which I didn't like--I prefer the pay by car method. However, it was a nice little beach with clean water and a playground right there. Lunch was messy. Alaina just doesn't sit still enough to eat. She grabs everything. And Ky just wanted to play and was not interested in dinner.
The sand was nice--and Alaina thought it tasted good...yes we tried to stop her, but several times she got sand in the mouth before we could stop her. YUCK! She is just so mobile there is nothing stopping her--however she did not even crawl close to the water. I think it makes her nervous. Even when you are holding her in the water she is pretty grabby, like she is afraid you are going to let her go. Ky dug holes and buried things and dumped water in the sand. Rob and I relaxed (as much as you can with an active 10 month old!). It was a very enjoyable last day of our staycation! We will definitely have to do this again next summer!

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