Saturday, October 03, 2009

Alaina's 1st B'day!

Birthday Girl not so happy about waking up 1 year older!

You guys shouldn't have sang for ME!

And I get CAKE TOO!

We took her to the zoo for her 1st b'day!

Checking out the giraffes with dad

One Dirty Rhino!

This Guy really liked Daddy for some reason...

My little Joey!

Ky and his buddy Dan

The Schnake Girls!

Caged Animal!

She May look nice, but SHE BITES!

My other Joey!

Ky & Cora on the Carousel

Eating some birthday treat cupcakes with Danny

What's this?

Washing my hands...washing my hands... are going to let me play with this!?

I wonder what it tastes like?

Hey! That's pretty good!

Opening gifts...

Grandpa playing with Piggies...

Another present!

Mommy & Daddy's gift....I LOVE SHOPPING!

We all woke up to Alaina's b'day cries. I stumbled into the room with my eyes half opened and snapped the beautiful wake-up b'day pic you see above.

Of course she perked up once she was fed. If Alaina's crabby-give her some food. It works almost every time!

We had decided that we would do the same birthday day as Ky had for his first birthday--so we were off to the zoo! It was also my playgroup day so we had playgroup join us--though I took very few pics of them-I was too focused on my baby! I can't believe she is one!

I need to add that Alaina started walking the Saturday before her birthday--so she was very excited to be able to show off some of her new skills--though the shoes made it a bit tough. In fact at one point when I went to change her diaper, she took off her shoe and tossed it 2 stalls down! YUCK! It was very gross retrieving her shoe from under the toilet!

The kids really enjoyed the animals. Sadly, the goats were closed so Ky was unable to pet them. He was bummed. Instead I took him for a ride on the Carousel and that seemed to make up for it--until he wanted to go on the train. I told him no, he chose the carousel. It was just too much trying to do these rides with 2 kids. (Daddy was with us in the beginning, but then he had to leave for a work meeting.) After that the kiddos enjoyed cupcakes in honor of Laina's b'day.
The rest of the day was the same old hum-drum. On Saturday we had Alaina's b'day party where all relatives were invited. Ky was especially excited because he figured he would get to blow out the candle--since "Alaina's a baby, she can't blow out the candle."
We had a lot of family at the party, the Schnake's were well represented. Uncle Kirk & Aunt Barb came as well as Rob's mom & Jan. Alaina was a little nervous at first with all the people, but quickly warmed up to the crew. For her birthday dinner we had Chicken & Eggplant Parmesan. She ate like a champ as usual.
Her birthday cake was in the shape of an ice cream cone. It was a vanilla cake made with bing cherries---and it was GOOD! We figured that best represented her this year since she has an intense love for ice cream. We gave her a special smash cake smothered in whip cream and let her have at it. She first poked at it and then began painting her high chair with the whip cream. Her next step was to wash her hands with the whip cream. Finally she tasted it. At that point, she picked up the whole cake and shoved it in her mouth---and she did not put it down. She was quite the little piggy.
It was a rather large cake so I didn't want her to actually eat the whole thing. I was happy to see it fall apart and grabbed the pieces and tossed them out so she didn't eat the WHOLE thing.
After the mess of cake she "opened" some presents. We had to help her get started, but she did finally start enjoying the ripping of paper. In fact I think she enjoyed that more than the presents themselves. As far as gifts she got some clothes, a rocking chair (which she loves--and was perfect timing since hers just fell apart), a doll, and a couple of other things. Rob and I bought her a shopping cart since she LOVES to push things. We also purchased her & Kylan and dishes which they will get a Christmas to go with the shopping cart and kitchen. Otherwise for our kids first several birthdays we put money into their college accounts. We figure it is the best investment at this age since they get toys and such all the time from others (not to mention garage sales during the summer.)
To wrap up this blog--I can't believe my baby is one! WOW. The time really flies. I still remember them placing her in my arms and just being amazed that I had my dark haired little girl (that is now strawberry blond). While I knew I was having a girl (even before the ultrasound), I just always found it hard to believe I would have a girl. With my personality and family history, I just assumed I would have all boys. She has been with me for one full year and I marvel at my beautiful angel! It has been a great first year. I am sad that it passed so quickly and at the same time so excited to see who she is becoming. She is beautiful inside and out and I am thankful that God gave me the privilege of being her mother. I love you Laina!

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