Thursday, October 15, 2009

Belated August pics

I discovered a bunch of pics that I never blogged from we will just do a quick summary with the pics...

Came home from work. Put Alaina on the floor, went to make lunch. Came back and this is what I found. She must have been REALLY tired--she has never just fallen asleep by herself on the floor before.

An Aerial view.

She LOVES shoes. Everyday she sits by the door and tries to put all the shoes on her feet. So fun to watch!

Playing in the pool together

Ky decided to share his popsicle! What a sweet boy!

This is a daily occurrence in our house. They take their bikes and push toys and race non-stop around the kitchen and living room. Ky gets mad when Alaina decides to turn around or when she gets distracted by something.

Reading books together

These pics are at Olbrich gardens. I dressed the kids up. I was really hoping to capture some good pics of the kids. know this is funny!

The refelction of the Thai pavillion in water! How cool is this?!

She thought the baby in the water was very interesting..

I have a pic of Ky on this same elephant last year or the year before, but I can't find it. I thought it would be fun to compare.

Moments before she ate the flower....

Guiding us through the gardens

So pretty!

"I'm 3 years old!"

Love this pic!

Yeah, sadly pics with the 2 of them together never work....another poor attempt...
This was the best one I got.

I'm almost ready to walk!

Crawling the stairs..can't walk yet, but boy can she get up those stairs fast!

Watching the city tree trimmers...

Alaina then decided it was more fun to pull down Ky's pants.

Kylan pretending to be a toy in the toy box

Wendy over for a VERY messy dinner

Stacking the containers! So SMART! (Sadly the child locks broke so now Alaina has access to a couple of cabinets

Ky's Soccer team & coach

Ky kicking the ball during a game--yes---there he is ACTUALLY PLAYING!!! Yeah KY!

Love this outfit!

Cheesing it for the new camera!

We discovered that the Mr. Potato Head pieces can also be used on Kylan. We tried with Alaina, but she kept spitting out the pieces before we could take the pic.

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