Friday, January 15, 2010

December 2009

Of course I am behind on my blog again.  But I think the plague is over....Yes the whole family was sick (except Ky who narrowly escaped) for 3 weeks.  And of course that fell over Christmas and New Years.  Things are looking up for us now though--sadly our neighbor and her family seems to be hit by something similar.  UGh!  Our prayers are with them.  The other reason I am behind is because with the new computer I updated my blogger to the cool new and better blogger...Yeah I am not sure I agree.  There is no spell check and there is no fun picture uploader like before.  So now I have had to search for a website that I trust with my pictures and have blogger access them in order to post pictures.  WHOO! Too complicated!  And all in the name of progress???

So where to start.  The first pics are of the kids ringing the bells for the salvation army.  This was actually the only time we rang bells.  We had signed up for other shifts, but then the plague hit us and it just didn't happen.  The kids made a bundle of money as usual.  Ky even sang for a few minutes.  Kids & Bell ringing = lots of money!  I was especially proud of Ky who was very polite and greeted people as they walked in the store.  He was such a little man.

Daddy was not feeling so well, so I put the lights on the tree.  It was a really sorry sight, since I wasn't really feeling into it with all the Christmas sickness.  Blech!  But hey---the kids didn't care!  We set the tree up behind the couches in order to keep Alaina from the tree.  However, the little angel then taught herself to climb onto the couch, so she was still able to reach some branches.  Hopefully, the tree will be a little more fun to have next year.  This year it just seemed like a burden when we had to rearrange the furniture and she still was able to tear stuff off the tree.  (She likes the lights--she really wanted to eat the lights.)

Anyways in the "putting up the tree" Ky was a total klutz.  First, he broke the tree---Literally he broke the bottom of the tree.  I don't know how he did it, but he did.  We now have to use the real christmas tree stand for the fake tree in order to keep it standing.  Then Ky broke Alaina's 1st Christmas ornament---yeah, it's kind of hard to replace those.  Then he broke one of Daddy's ornmanents from when he was a kid.  Then he broke another ornament.  And they were all on accident.  Nothing purposeful....Ugh...Like I said, just not the best Christmas for us.

So I gotta comment on Alaina with the baby in the pot.  That was all her.  She got out the pot and lid.  I noticed her shoving the baby in the pot so naturally I handed her the spoon.  It was too funny.  Have I mentioned how attached she is to that baby doll?  She LOVES that thing.  Drags it around everywhere.  She almost went to sleep with it and then changed her mind at the last minute "ERE MAMA" she said to me as she handed me the baby.  And yes, she has definitely mastered being able to say "Baby."  Maybe that is why she is so attached? 

Ky helped make some Christmas presents this year.  I was very proud of him.  He painted some picture frames that I bought.  He did a really good job.  He also helped me decorate some spice jars.  I will have pics of that in the next blog.  Sadly, we did little Christmas baking this year.  But there is always next year!

We had another nice day and so I took the kids out with plans to make a snowman.  Ky gave up early in the game when the snow was not "rolling" into a ball.  So the snowman ended up being a "packed" snowman.  It was fun and he did have fun decorating his face.  We made him so that he faced the living room window.   Ky had a lot of fun looking out at him--and then we had a melt and our poor snowman lost his head.  It was too funny.  The head was literally laying on the ground. 

The last few pics are of Alaina in her Christmas dress and then her wearing Daddy's shoes.  EVERY DAY--she will put on one of our shoes and clomp around the house.  This girl LOVES shoes.  It is too funny.  I know I have stated this before in my blog--but I am serious--she is obsessed.  Dolls and would think she is a girly girl--but definitely not.  She keeps up with Ky and doesn't let anything stop her.  She is a little monkey, always crawling on top of things and moving things.  I am seriously having problems keeping up with her. 

I also have some pics of the sick ones.  I use my camera to help me remember what to blog (Can you tell?)  Alaina literally just kind of fell to floor that night.  That was when we knew she had been hit by the sickness too.  I ended up taking her to the doctor because her eye started swelling.  They quarantined us with all these sick swine flu people.  I had Ky with me, who was perfectly healthy and I sent him to the other room and watched him through the partition.  I also held Alaina, there was no way I wanted her to get down with all these sick people.  The doc told me that Alaina had swine flu.  She said that it is the only sickness in Wisconsin.  (What a joke!)  They didn't do any tests or anything.  She also said that Alaina had pink eye --which I knew she didn't, her eyeball was fine. The outside was swollen like she had an infection.  This was not our regular doc.  Alaina's eye cleared up without meds--definitely was not pink eye.  And swine flu--no--she had a fever but that was about it.  And it wasn't a high one.  The sickness that we had could have been swine flu, but I really doubt it.  We did not have alot of the symptoms.  Anyway, we are all better now, it just made it hard to enjoy the holidays. 

So that is a wrap.  I will get the Christmas blog up next and maybe a few video clips if this new blogger will cooperate.  Until then!

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