Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Years

For New Years we were still feeling under the weather, but managed to make it out.  US Bank sponsors some family friendly events for $10 per family, so we decided to try that out this year.  We went to the location at Olbrich gardens that had the train display.  I had planned on taking Ky to see the trains prior to Christmas and then everyone got sick, so this worked out well.  It's a really neat display with lots of poinsettas and handmade gingerbread houses from local bakers.  We really enjoy it every year--that is for about the first 20 minutes.  Then when Ky just wants to sit and stare, we get bored and a little antsy.  Ky must have spent well over an hour looking at those trains--and we literally had to bribe him with "well come back to see the trains" in order to get him to see the other stuff.  And even when it was time to leave he was near tears.  He LOVES his trains.

They had a reptile man there who was showing off all sorts of lizardy critters.  He was bringing them out of their cages and letting the kids hold and pet them.  That was pretty neat.  They also had face painting and a station where they could make crowns or sun catchers, as well as basketball, walking through the conservancy and video games.  It was fun.  I think next year we will do it again and go to one of the locations that has bounce houses as well.  New Year's Eve night Rob and I watched a movie, I fell asleep 10 minutes before midnight and Rob woke me up shortly after--we both actually missed the whole countdown.  Oh well--there is always next year. 

The next day, we had Christmas with Nana and Grandma Jan.  We actually ended up postponing the original date due to the sickness.  We went over to their house and enjoyed a nice lunch and dinner.  The kids played and Alaina especially enjoyed Grandma Jan's slippers.  Seriously--she is SO OBSESSED with shoes.  I remember Ky liking them at her age--but never to her extreme.  We opened some gifts--Ky was excited to get a Sesame Street video--and it was the old school Sesame Street that we grew up with.  He also received a leapfrog word whammer--which helps teach him to spell and put together words.  It is really cool.  Today he wrote "Mom" and I know it is because he learned it from the word whammer.    Alaina got some shoes--but of course!--and a giant stuff animal snail.  It's really cute and you can just see her rolling around with it.

By the end of the night, Alaina was conked.  She fell asleep with G'ma Jan and I know she relished the snuggling opportunity--not to mention it gave us all a break from having to watch her and make sure she wasn't getting into anything.   

I wish I could add more to this blog--but honestly with all of us just feeling run down and tired we kept pretty low.  Next blog I will have more fun adventures to write about as well as milestones.

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