Monday, March 29, 2010

Following God is not always comfortable or convenient....

Today, I was trying to get my Bible reading in over breakfast.  (I pick breakfast because the kids are usually distracted with their food and I can focus.)  I am currently in the beginning of Luke.  To sum things up:  Mary is pregnant, the census is called, and now she 9 months pregnant and has to travel VERY uncomfortably on a donkey's back miles and miles to Bethelham.  They get there, there is no room at the inn.  They are forced to stay in a stable.  You know--a barn--full of cow poop and smelly animals.  And in that dirty place our savior is born.

Well, during this story Alaina is throwing food, Ky is screaming, and now Alaina is trying to stand up in her highchair.  ARGH!  I just want to finish my BIBLE READING KIDS!  So I take away Alaina's food with a swipe of the hand and then hold on to her leg as she continues to scream at the top of her lungs and stand up.  I continue my study and read my Bible footnotes.  (I just need another minute and I will be done!) 

The footnote points out that this was all apart of God's plan for Mary.  She may have been miserable in the time being, but it all had a purpose.  What if she had said "NO" I am not going to Bethelham--the prophecy could not have been fulfilled!  Her dedication to God's plan helped to bring forth my salvation!

That was when I looked up to see my daughter's screaming face (as I am still holding on to her leg).  It may not be comfortable or convenient for me to put my "God" time in, but it is also a part of his plan.  And who knows--maybe somebody else's salvation depends upon it....

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