Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saving at Walgreen's

So I mentioned in my last blog that I was going to do this blog.  I typed up a note during the process to keep track of how profitable my ventures were at Walgreen's. 
Just a brief summary--if you didn't read my last blog--I discovered a new website called (listen up Wisconsin & Minnesota residents!)  This website has been AWESOME in helping me save money.  Anyway--this blog summarizes my 5 week venture to Walgreen's.  I will start with my final summary (if you want to be saved all the details) and then will have each week summed up.  Enjoy!

Total Walgreen's Money spent in 5 weeks: $31.85

What did I buy for that much?

2 Jumbo packages of Huggies diapers
Dove body wash
2 boxes of Kotex
2 HUGE things of honey
2 boxes of raisins
1 Magenetic white board
Hair rubberbands
5 packages of vegetable seeds
3 deodorants
1 box of dried apricots
2 Colgate Total toothpaste
1 dish soap
4 Frappacinos
1 package of paper plates
1 package of Peeps

If I had purchased the above on my own (I will take out the frappacinos, apricots and body wash--since theser are things I would not normally buy) I would have spent about $50 without tax. Hmmm....I think I did pretty good saving about 40% and getting some add'l goodies I would not normally buy. I think I will keep up the Walgreen visits.
My Game Plan
I do not shop at Walgreen's. However, Pocket Your Dollars is challenging me to try it out and see how much free stuff I can end up getting from Walgreen's. Like all things, you must invest first though.

It actually turns out that going to Walgreen's is pretty convenient for me since it is right next to the library. So after or before our library time we walk over to Walgreen's and make our purchases. I am excited to see how I do and plan to keep track of it in this note to make sure I am getting good return for my investment.

Week 1

Investment $22.60

Item & Price Coupons & Rewards (Ultimate Price)

Purchased Dove's body wash for 5.99 minus $1 coupon received $6 in rewards (+ $1) -I made $1!
Huggies Diapers for 8.99 minus $2 coupon received $3 in rewards (-3.99)
Kotex 2/$6 minus $2 coupon received $3 in rewards (-$1)
Honey $3.99 (Awesome deal!) minus $1 coupon (-2.99)

Went back next day and bought more diapers

Huggies for 8.99 minus $2 coupon minus $6 in rewards (-0.99)
received $3 in rewards
Raisins for $1 purchased b/c 1 coupon per item limit (-1)

So for $22.60 in week one I bought 2 packages of diapers, 2 packages of pads, honey (and this was a big THING OF HONEY!), body wash and raisins AND I have $9 in rewards to spend next week. Hmmm...This is looking pretty good!

Week 2, We were sick, blah blah blah--and there weren't very many good promos. However, I did go in and buy a white board i needed with surprisingly competitive pricing to Walmart/Target

White Board $4.39 minus $3 in rewards (-1.39)
Total spent at Walgreens 24.22 and still have $6 in rewards

Week 3

I discovered which gives you fabulous ideas on rewards money AND previews the next month of fliers--so now I can plan ahead on what weeks to use rewards and even skip weeks! WOO-HOO!

Today I spent $0.79 total and received $2 in rewards for....

Hair rubberbands 2.99 (I needed these!) minus $3 in rewards (+0.01)
PLUS received $2 in rewards
Vegetable seeds 5/$1 minus another $3 in rewards (+2.00)
Right Guard Deodorant 2/$3.39 minus $2 coupon (-1.39)
Dried Apricots Bought as filler to exceed rewards (-1.00)

Total spent at Walgreens $25.01 with $2 Rewards to use.

Week 4

2/28 Did a quick run to Walgreens because i had a coupon that expired today and I couldn't pass up getting Toothpaste 25 cents and I needed dish soap. Today I spent $1.39. I have to say I am very excited about my trip on Tuesday b/c I will pick up two things of floss for FREE! YEAH!

Colgate Total Toothpaste 2.99 Had 75 cent off coupon minus $2 in rewards (-0.24)
PLUS received $2 in rewards
Dish Soap 0.89 in store coupon (-0.89)

Total spent at Walgreens $26.40 with $2 in Rewards to use.

3/2 Looking back, I should not have bought the deodorant--it was not a wise purchase--though it was an investment for my future purchases--however, I usually do better. Despite this, I did well--and even splurged buying Rob 4 Starbucks Frappacinnos for $1. I also learned that I cannot use coupons that exceed the purchase price of an item (which seems odd to me, since most stores will let you do that...) Oh well--I guess I will have to get my 2 free flosses at Walmart. :)

Today I spent $4.05 and received $3 in rewards.

4 Frappacinnos $5 I also had 4 $1 off coupons (-1.00)
Paper plates 0.99 This was my filler item and as good as I normally pay! (-0.99)
Lady's speed sitck $1.99 had a 0.50 Q and used $2 in rewards PLUS earned $1 rewards (+1.50)
Colgate Total T-paste $2.99 had a 0.75 Q and earned $2 in Rewards (-0.25)

Total Walgreens Spent: $30.45 and I have $3 in Rewards

Week 5--Final week.

This week is my final week in this note because I did not get any rewards. There just wasn't anything good or what i needed, so I did not buy those items. This also gives me a good last tally to see if this is worth it. (Especially since next week I can get Colgate Sensitive toothpaste for better than free with Rewards! and start all over again.)

I spent a total of $1.40

GIANT Honey 3.99 -$1 Q -$3 rewards +.01
Peeps 0.39 Filler Item & Ky's Easter basket! -.39
Raisins 1.00 Filler Item and I needed them. -1.00

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