Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Ky Pt. 2

On Monday (Ky's actual b'day) he had a playdate with his good friends Mae & Daniel.  We started the morning by building a fort!  (WHAT FUN!)  When they grew tired of that we moved outside to the newly finished swingset with deck & slide that hooks up to the clubhouse above the shed!  (I finished it, YEAH!--but forgot to take any pics!)  The kids had a good time playing outside in the clubhouse and playing with water guns--and especially eating leftover birthday cake!  (Who wouldn't?) 

That night when Rob got home we pulled out our present to him.  We had bought him a bike.  He had a pink bike that the neighbor had given us and he LOVED it.  However, he needed something a little more age and gender appropriate (we were well aware that soon some kids would be making comments about his "girly bike".)

Ky was ecstatic.  We brought it out and he hopped on it so quickly.  I was unable to get any good pics of him on it.  He didn't want to get off--even to eat dinner.  However, we bribed him with a walk around the neighborhood (he could ride his bike) if he came in for dinner.  That did the trick.  After dinner we were off for a ride.  He did really well.  He fell 3-4 times, but didn't cry and just got back up on his bike. 

He told us his bike was named "Rocket because it is REALLY fast!".  We even let him do some loops in the cul de sac.  And now, he asking for us to take his training wheels off so he can ride on two wheels.  (though for now we are going to wait on this since his feet don't quite touch the ground. 

On Thursday we had a birthday party for Ky's playgroup friends. Of course it was "Cars" themed.  we had some games including "Don't wake the tractor"  (where Daddy played the sleeping tractor), as well as a game to see who could build their road the fastest.  And of course they played Red light Green light!  It was a fun time (and a lot of work.)  Ky had picked out kazoos as a party favor, we handed them out and they didn't work--turns out they didn't come with the little paper inside that makes them work!  I tried quickly cutting out various papers for them, but none of them worked!  ARGH!  At least the kids were too young to really know any better. 

I am sure that Ky will tell you the best part was the cake and the song.  And what kid doesn't love cake!?

I will tell you that this was a bit of a stressful party with the neighbors deciding THAT day was the day to put up their new fence.  This meant I had to keep all the kids out of the backyard and confined to the front.  It was a bit crowded, but I think it worked out well. 

Ahhhh...I am just happy that the birthday stuff is to begin thinking about Alaina's--oh no, did I say that out loud?!  ARGH! I can't believe my baby will be turning 2 in a few months.  *Sigh*  They sure do grow up quick!

Oh--before I forget, I just have to add, that Alaina is really into stealing other people's food. Poor Daniel who sat next to her during "cake time" had much of his cake stolen....(Please keep this in mind if you sit next to her during any meal times in the future.)

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