Saturday, July 31, 2010

More Birthdays & Father's day

For my 32nd birthday, I decided I would not cook.  And would primarily eat for free!  I love all the new free deals I am finding.  The kids and I had a leisurely morning.  I worked out and then we went to have a late brunch at Denny's.  (Free Grand Slam on your B'day!)  I got a kid's meal for Alaina and Ky, but Alaina did not hardly touch her food.  However, I enjoyed watching Ky devour his meal--and enjoyed the older couple next us admiring my beautiful children.  Ahh..yes a good birthday it was.  It was also Playgroup day so we met our playgroup at the park where Ky got his face painted like spiderman.  (Exciting times!)  Rob then met me there and brought ice cream.  He had class that night, so this was our best opportunity to have some time together.  From there we were off to the Y for work.  And finally dinner came--Red Robin.  Yes a free meal from them!  YUM!  This time I learned my lesson though--I did not order Alaina a meal.  I shared my meal with her and that was just fine.  Kylan especially enjoyed the day and for the next several days asked at every meal if we could eat out :)  Ahhh..there is just something nice about not cooking for a day. 

I almost forgot the kids got balloons at Red Robin and it was so much fun watching them play with their balloons.  It was a GREAT birthday! (Of course the video below doesn't do the balloon "fun" justice.) Why is it that once you pull out the video camera the kids just stop doing what they were doing?

That weekend Nana & G'ma Jan came and we picked strawberries together.  It was the end of strawberry season and I didn't want to miss out on filling my freezer.  The picking was also my first experience with stinging nettle.  (EEKS!)  I was crouched down picking some berries and I felt something jabbing my skin.  I figured it was just a weed so I ignored it.  A few minutes later I felt a burning sensation.  I got up and I saw blisters appearing on my arm and legs where I had been in contact with the weed.  What a nasty weed!  After a while ( a lot of burning), the area turned numb so it really didn't bother me anymore.  But YUCK!  Now I know...and I will stay away from it.  It is so funny to think that people actually make tea from this nasty weed!
After picking Mom & Jan treated us out for a yummy lunch at a cafe.  Good food and happy children all around!  After that I spent my time cleaning strawberries and freezing them.  I have learned that coring them and putting them on a cookie sheet is the best way to freeze them.  (DON'T SLICE).  After they freeze 2-3 hours on the cookie sheet then transfer them to your freezer bags and Voila--wonderful whole strawberries that aren't all frozen together!  And, so perfect for pulling out for blender drinks! or toppings, or baking....mmmm...

The next day was Father's day and the kids had fun giving daddy a father's day song and gifts.  I made Rob a collage with the kiddos and entitled it "Daddy's Tax Credits".  (A term Rob came up with himself!)  He loved it.  From there is was church and then off to Pop's and Debi's for more birthday/father's day fun.  We celebrated Devan's birthday and mine.  It was a good time with good food.  Alaina decided to try an that on camera. 

So I really haven't done much for milestones so here is my effort...Ky is officially 40 lbs now and 31 3/4" tall.  After every meal he stands up and says, "See how much bigger I have gotten?"  He is currently in T-ball and just finished Karate camp--which he loved!  We are planning to get him more karate classes in the future.  He talks alot--and right now he is in a phase of asking ridiculous, drive you nuts question.  (i.e.  "Where is that car going?"  "I dont' know"  Why don't you know?"  Because I don't know that person?"  Why don't you know them?"  etc...  or one of my favorites in the car..."Can we follow that car?"  "NO"  "Why not?"  "Because we are going somewhere else"  "Why?"  Etc....)

Alaina is talking in sentences.  She loves her nuk, but we have tried to reduce her down to just having one at nap and night time.  She still pushes down babies smaller than her and pulls hair.  And yes I discipline her every time.  She will occasionally go on the potty, but more often than not she will sit to go and then stand up and pee right in front of the potty.  She LOVES to annoy Kylan and get him to scream.  She is still into purses and shoes.  She climbs EVERYTHING!  She is Miss Independent, but still LOVES to be held. And right now is a mommy's girl. 

That's all for now...gotta get to bed! 

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