Monday, August 09, 2010

Finishing up June

Sometimes it is amazing how fast time flies...

End of June was a wet one! The kids hit the splash park (where only Ky splashed, Alaina wanted nothing to do with the water), and then I took them to the beach. And what a glorious day at the beach it was.

We had it pretty much to ourselves. I sat in a chair and read, and they played so nicely! It was one of the most peaceful mornings EVER. They didn't fight, they didn't cry. AHhhhh...I am now sure that the beach is the solution to keeping the kids happy--and yes, I have taken them back several times since.

So you are probably wondering about my pathetic cherries. When we moved to this house I told Rob I wanted a cherry tree. And so we planted one 3 years ago. Last year we had our first cherry...that a bird must have eaten! This year we had 3, that when we picked we discovered they had been pecked at (Hence the careful cutting of the cherries.) At least we tasted them and they were delicious! Who knows maybe we will have 9 cherries next year--and if you are nice to us, we may share!

One Saturday we drove up to the local Creamery and enjoyed Sundae's and a hayride to the cows. It is kind of a funny story. I mapquested it, and we followed the directions and pretty much were lost. I ended up turning up some random country road (that was not the road we were supposed to be on) and there it was! What makes this story really funny, is that we discovered that we never had to turn to get to the creamery, it was actually on the main road--so once again Mapquest sent us on a wild goose chase. (BTW--have you ever noticed the disclaimer on the bottom of their directions when you print them out...Pretty funny!0

IT was a HOT day at the Creamery. A 90 degree day, of course. Alaina was not too happy with it, but we survived. I felt bad for the cows. They were panting and so HOT! Poor ladies!

Our final adventure in June was taking the kids to Leopold Nature Center. We walked around the paths and attempted to identify trees. I brought the Audubon Society Tree Identifier book--and well, Ky just wasn't that interested. Bummer. Well I learned a few new trees when I wasn't chasing kids. Alaina was HILARIOUS on this trip as she kept stopping to kiss the flower. Then she would grin up at me and say "I kiss Flower!" (Yes I got one on video, be sure to watch.) These kids crack me up. Seriously, if you live a boring life, have a kid. They will fill your schedule and ALWAYS keep you guessing.

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