Monday, August 09, 2010


I am so excited...

So yeah...I was putting all my money saving deals in my family blog and I didn't want to clog up my family stuff with my AWESOME savings...not to mention I am just bursting at the seams wanting to tell people about all these fabulous deals I find AND how you can do little things at home to save money...So I did it...I started another blog...a separate blog.  And yes I did much thinking before I just threw this blog together.  I already have over a year's worth of topics on how you can do little things a home to save money (and be green!)    So check it out...become a follower or like my facebook page so you can see my new articles as they come out.  I plan to update my site 4 -5 times a week--but I should first let you know that I will be out of town for a week (so don't think I gave up on my blog if you suddenly notice I dont' have any posts--I will be back!)  Yeah!  Check it out.  Let me know what you think, and tell me if you have any green ideas to share--I know you have some too!  Here it is!

Happy Savings!

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