Saturday, June 04, 2011

February 2011

Feb 20011!

Wait a's almost June! What is wrong with me!!!

Well better late than never...and yes more Talia updates & pics soon--I cannot deny you pictures of one of the three most beautiful children ever, and let me tell you she is gorgeous and GROWING like a weed!

So not many pics in February. I did not have a new camera yet and was using the old one so I didn't take many pics.

As far as pregnancy--this was the month I had extra ultrasounds to check on Talia. We were reassured with the first that Talia was fine--however underweight. Then our following ultrasound revealed we had a healthy girl of 4 lbs 11 oz at 32 weeks. (And yes, I asked them to confirm that the baby was a girl every time--even though I had seen it for myself, I was still in somewhat disbelief--after all this is me--I have been around boys my whole life and never imagined I would have one girl let alone two. Also the pregnancy was going so well, it just resembled Ky's much more than Alaina's.

Anyway, at the first ultrasound, I dropped Ky & Laina off with a friend. At that play date, Ky slipped and fell and hurt his arm. When my friend told me about it, I didn't think anything of it. Ky was acting fine. I did look later that day and noticed his wrist was a and he yelled. I looked down and noticed his wrist was still quite swollen. I ended up taking him to urgent care (it was a Saturday)--and wouldn't you know--it was broken. The doc said he had a buckle fracture. Basically the bone was misshaped. They put him in a splint and said he needed to wear it for at least 4 weeks. WOW! Boy didn't I feel like a bad mom. The doc reassured me that even she didn't take her own daughter in for an xray when she hurt her leg once. Several days later they had also discovered it was broken. Well, I did feel a little better.

Ky was such a brave guy. I couldn't go into the xray room since I was pregnant. He went with the nurses and did a great job. It was also somewhat ironic that Nana had also broken some bones in her wrist about the same time. They had matching splints which was rather cute in an odd sort of way. Ky was pretty proud.

Feb was a pretty emotional month for me with the pregnancy scare, the political stuff going on, and then the additional subbing I was doing as well as concern over a close friend who fell ill. Looking back on that month--I am glad it was a short one. I usually dislike the month of February because it feels like it just drag, but the business and stuff I was dealing with made the time fly.

I did find joy in a few things, like buying Alaina and Talia matching sweaters (my first matching gender purchase.) They won't wear them for another year yet, but hey--it's the little things! :) Alaina also was enjoying playing doctor with my tummy. She would often take the stethoscope and listen for the baby's heartbeat. I know she had no idea what was going on, but boy did it melt my heart!

In February, I also started to help out a friend by watching her two foster girls one to two times a week. They were beautiful twin girls--and boy did they touch my heart. Their story was sad, but their smiles were priceless. These little girls brightened everyone's day. They were 7 months old--so it was also nice to introduce Ky & Alaina to what it was like being around babies. Alaina did very well (though she was rough, she was very loving.) Ky was a natural helper. He would feed them bottles, bring them toys and play with them.

Rob and I have talked about fostering in the future and these two girls just drove home the need for loving families to show children such as these what family life should be like. No matter how small of a time you have with them--you do make an impact. Someday in the future (I am talking years--we need our kids to be a bit older before we are ready), I hope that we can also have the opportunity to love some children who need that extra support.

Well--I think that wraps up February. Next March--Isn't that pathetic. I think I will do a Talia update first! She is growing SO FAST! *SIGH* Well, all I can do is to try to treasure each moment as much as possible. I love that girl--she has truly melted my heart (just like Ky & Laina).

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