Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Heaven Sent Dew...

Makes the grass smell wonderful in the morning.  It makes the earth so much livelier and all seems so magical--it didn't rain and yet the Earth has been renewed...Such an appropriate name for our little girl.

She has definitely renewed our lives and outlook.  She energizes our desire to be better.  She seems so magical and yet we know that God gave her to us.  We are blessed.

This blog covers Talia's first 10 days at home.  Surprisingly they were very easy days at home.  The kids were adjusting well and Talia slept like a champ!  She was doing 4 hour stretches at night.  We were amazed.  She is definitely our best sleeper yet.

Ky & Laina did very well with the initial adjustment of Talia.  They wanted to hold her ALL the time.  We had to actually start telling them "no".  They would ask when it just wasn't convenient and you can only crouch down next to them for so long.

On Saturday (5 days old) Pops & Debi came to visit.  Debi was so happy that she finally got her "I(Talia)n granddaughter.  (Get it--iTALIAn? HA!)  They took Ky & Laina out for the afternoon and also dropped off a bunch of meals.  It was such a blessing to have the afternoon with Rob & Talia.  Talia slept and we went for some burgers.  YUM!  Then afterwards we stopped at a few garage sales.  It was a good time.

Pops & Debi took Alaina & Ky to McD's for lunch and then shopping.  Grandma Debi bought Alaina some silver dress shoes--and she LOVES them.  She wears them all the time!  She calls them her sparkly shoes.  The kids also picked out a bunch of stuff at the Dollar store.  I know they felt LOVED & got some good spoiling--something they don't get much of.  Once they came back to the house G. Debi set up an Easter egg hunt for the kids in the backyard.  (Easter was too wet to have an Easter egg hunt and Ky was disappointed.  G'ma Debi was so thoughtful to do this for him!)  Thanks so much Pops & Debi for giving the kids an unforgettable afternoon. 

I also need to add that Debi had heart surgery later that week.  She went to the hospital on Monday and they doctor's found blockage in her heart.  We are so grateful for the expertise of doctors and God's hand in this situation to keep her safe.  Please keep her in your prayers as she is still recovering and having to deal with changes in lifestyle. 

So  you notice the lots of cute little naked pics of Talia--babies are SO cute and they grow and change SO quick, it is amazing how quick they fill out and turn into this little person.  I really wanted to capture some of those first moments so I don't forget how infants are.  For example, all the wrinkles on the back--that only happens with new babies.  And then their inclination to be in their fetal position.  Talia's legs were (she doesn't do it anymore--too big :( ) crossed in the womb so for the first month she always crossed them.  Their little legs are also very "bowed" looking--but straighten in the first couple of months. 

The red outfit Talia is in is one of the first outfits I bought for Alaina.  I think Alaina wore it once before she outgrew it.  Talia outgrew it by 1 month old.  Looking at her pics though, you can see how it is actually big on her (the pants were falling off) and now 1 month later the shirt is too small and the pants fit fine. 

Back to Talia's first week home.  Monday (Day 7) we all walked together to Kylan's school for Kindergarten introduction.  Ky really enjoyed showing off his baby sister (and still does).  Alaina as well.  They would say (and still say)-"We have a new baby!"  And Alaina adds "her name is Talia Rose."  It is very cute!  So the teachers got to see Ky's new sister.  It was nice to be able to walk Ky around the classroom and show him where things are at and what he can expect.  He seemed to take it all in stride. 

The next day we walked to Culver's for our first family custard outing.  The kids really enjoyed it (of course!)  Rob and I were a bit exasperated by the end.  Ky & Laina were starting to act up and well, we just don't appreciate that behavior.  Since then we have noticed a change (increase) in naughtiness.  I am sure this is just because of the new adjustment in their lives.  Hopefully things will go back to normal soon. 

The next day was windy, but we took a family walk anyway.  I noticed Alaina hanging on to her hair.  I asked her why, and she told me she didn't want her "piggy tails to fly away."  (Very cute).  So yes she hold on to them for much of the walk.  Silly girl!

Well I think that pretty much wraps up Day 10 for Talia.  I should probably also add that as of day 7 she started crying...(in my previous blog I mentioned that she hardly ever cries)  It appears she figured out that the "crying" thing gets her food/held/diaper change--so yeah--she uses that a lot now!  (But not in a colicky way--she really is a good baby.) 

Next blog--MARCH!  (and then another baby update--I gotta keep up with those she is growing SO FAST!)

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