Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fancy Nancy Party 2013...Backwards...

We had our second annual Fancy Nancy Party on Talia's b'day this year.  It was originally planned in March, but I got sick the week of the party and had to postpone it.  Talia's b'day just happened to be the best day--even though it was really Alaina's party.  The pics loaded backwards and I am not fighting with Blogger anymore--so enjoy the party from finish to beginning! :)
 Ice cream parfaits for the kids--complete with a cookie cup!  These were lots of fun to make!
Pictures with Teyla

Ashton--Talia's buddy

 Ashton is just a month older than Talia so we try to get cute pics of them together.  Isn't he adorable in his tie!?
Playing with Laura

MMMM...this ice cream parfait ROCKS!
The kids enjoying their ice cream parfaits.

Cindi with daughter Teyla

Lunch at the party 
 The adults "lunching"
 Violet--isn't she adorable?!
Some of the kiddos!  Laura & Zac--and Ashton walking into the pic.
 Laura arrives!
 Lexi!  One of Alaina's best buds!
 The party table
 The food!
 The drinks--yup--the kids drank out of wine glasses...we go ALL out for this party!  (Two years and I am the only person to have broken a glass!)
 A strawberry bouquet
The food! mmmm..... 
 My beautiful girl (notice the remainder are pics of my girls...because, well, they are mine and this is my blog and I LOVE to show off these beauties!

 My FAVORITE pic of Talia!

I asked Alaina how I could be a better parent last month--and she told me "Buy me 4" white high heels with a strap around the back."  Well they are actually 1.5" wedges--but she was very happy when I pulled them out for the party.

The party was a success again!  The kids had a great time getting tattoos, playing and eating lots of yummy food in their Fancy attire.  We will definitely do this again next year.

BTW--Alaina picked out my outfit for me--a red bridesmaid dress and brown heels...I wish I had taken a pic with her, but I forgot.  She was very proud of the "Ensemble" she made fo me.

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