Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Another attempt at blogging....

Well blogger has been frustrating.  I have battled with picture uploads and that has just made me leave it for another day...and then another day become months....

Well a friend of mine started posting daily "I loves" at the end of the day on Facebook.  This has motivated me to try to type my own "I loves" each day on blogger (no picture--unless I get something figured out.)

I have missed recording so many wonderful moments, so here is my attempt.  I will start with Jan 1 (even though it is the 8th today) and hopefully catch up.  (I may have to reorder my blog entries later to here we go...

Jan 1st --I LOVED sleeping in again. And well that only means sleeping in until 8--but I will take EVERY BLESSED MINUTE!  I love that Rob made pumpkin cinnamon rolls and shoveled the driveway while they baked.  I loved watching the kids, especially Kylan, play with their new Legos!  (How long have I been trying to get them to like Legos??!?!!)  I love that I got to spend time with Julie's girls Katherine & Angela and even her (even though it was a short amount of time.)  I LOVED listening to the kids sing while Ky played piano--and yes it was horrible--and yes I did get video!  I loved that they played well together and that I was able to almost finish my photo book from 2012.  (BTW--I don't love Winkflash and will hopefully not use them again for photo books.)  I love that the kids got to exchange gifts and that Julie gave me awesome Christmas socks!  I love that she took the bigger kids to the Y and I was able to paint in the girl's room while Talia napped.  I LOVE books on tape.  I love that Rob offered to get the kids so I could paint, but I went and got them anyway.  And--well I don't remember much of what happened after that, but I know it was good becuase my day ended with my husband next to me.

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