Monday, January 20, 2014

January 18 -20

This entry will cover 3 days since we have been out of town!  Can we say get away!?  Yeah!  I am thankful for opportunities to escape with my family.

On Saturday, I am thankful Rob and I slept in until close to 8:30.  The kids getting older has really been a blessing in letting us sleep past 7.  It is wonderful that they get up and play downstairs peacefully.  Rob took Alaina to ballet (side note--Alaina told me this morning that she didn't need ballet--they do the same stuff over and over and she already knows how to do it.  She would be a much better ballet dancer if she danced on her own. :) ) and I was blessed to watch Ky play basketball.  He made 3 baskets and had a few assists.  I really enjoyed watching him on the court.  Afterwards we hurried home so we could have lunch and pack up for our weekend in Shawano at Pops & Debi's cottage, but first we had a stop in Milwaukee for Lisa, Ryan's, & G'ma Debi's birthdays. 

It was a blessing to see family and friends.  We are so thankful for Ryan--who is working towards becoming a chaplain.  His presence lights a room and he easily listens to anyone.  We are thankful for Lisa, who can be so down to earth and speak out loud what everyone is thinking.  God has given her the gift of boldness! The girl represents!  And we are thankful for Debi, who God has gifted with hospitality.  She makes everyone feel welcomed and loved that come through the door. 

There was much to eat (of course!  What else can we expect with Debi) and not much that didn't break our clean eating detox.  So Rob and I ate like normal.  Afterwards, both Rob and I agreed the food felt very heavy and just didn't sit the same.  We didn't eat a lot (not as much as we would have prior to the detox.) It was interesting to see how our bodies reacted.  I am thankful we have had this opportunity to try the detox.  Rob and I both agreed that even though we eat pretty healthy (before the detox) there is definitely still room to improve.  So after our 30 day cleanse, we will make some steps to eat even healthier.  One step being to buy less store bought bread and make more of our own.  We also want to have the healthy shakes more often.  (Currently on our diet we have a shake every  morning which has 2 handfuls of greens, 1-2 cups of fruit, wheat bran/flax seed/oat bran, and coconut milk.)

Anyway, the drive up to the cottage (after the party) was nice--I slept and so did the kids.  I am so thankful that Rob is a great night time driver!   Once we got to the cottage it was covered in snow.  I had boots on so I braved the 2' snow drifts to get in the front door and opened the house.  The temp was 50 inside so it was impossible to put the kids immediately to bed until the house warmed up.  They were running around like crazy people!  Finally we put them to bed around midnight.  All 3 were in 1 room with Ky & Talia in a bed (a first for not being in a pack n' play on a trip) and Alaina on the floor.  Yeah--that didn't work.  After a while we had to split the  kids up and it was well after 1 AM when they finally were all asleep! 

And of course they were up by 8:30 the next morning!  We had a healthy breakfast and then we were off to the big hill for some sledding!  We were thankful for such a warm day to sled on!  When we arrived we had the hill mostly to ourselves! YEAH!  We had a couple of great runs and the kids were having a good time (with exception of walking back up the hill.  They aren't big fans of that.)  Ky and Daddy then tried the other side of the hill and I watched Ky zoom down and take  a face plant in the snow.  Yeah--he was done after  that.  Shortly after that Alaina was done because she didn't want to walk back up the hill anymore.  And finally Talia was done when I took her down and a BUNCH of snow sprayed her in the face.  I can't blame her, I'm sure it didn't feel so good.  But she was quite the trooper.  I think she went down more than anyone else.  None the less, we were blessed with good timing since a lot people were now arriving.  We went home and had a nice lunch and sent the girls to the rooms for a nap.  (They were SUPER tired.)  Rob and Kylan then had some wonderful boy time (watching sports and playing with Grandpa's trains) while I ran out to Goodwill and scored some nice finds (including pants) for Kylan.  (Now I just need to get him one more pair of jeans and I think I should be set!) 

When I returned we got ready for dinner.  I bought a rotisserie chicken and Rob baked up potatoes and sweet potatoes.  It was quite a yummy meal.  We then settled down in front of the tv to watch The Princess Bride.  This was a first for our kids and they really enjoyed it.  I enjoyed it too--it had been a long time since I had last seen it.  After that it was off to bed where we had the girls share a bed and had Ky sleep in a different room.  Yeah--that didn't work either.  We had to move Alaina and then move her back after she fell asleep.  (It was after 11!) We are thankful that we have the cottage to ourselves where we can be more flexible with these kind of things.  Boy--sleeping over at other people's houses can REALLY be ROUGH! 

The next morning (this morning, Martin Luther King Day) was a much enjoyed lazy morning until we packed up after lunch and drove home.  I am so thankful that the cottage is there for our use.  It is one of the only ways I can truly relax.  When I am in my own home I see all the things I need to do.  So it is difficult for me just to relax.  I am thankful the kids had the day off school and that Rob was able to take the day off.  I am so thankful that everyone liked the idea of coming.  I look forward to spending this one weekend every winter at the cottage (even if the kids aren't sleeping well.)  It's also a great way for the kids to really play with each other since toys are limited (they only get to bring one bag of personal items.)  They are great siblings and I love seeing them enjoying each other. 

I also loved driving home today.  I loved knowing Rob was getting reading time that he doesn't often get (unless everyone else is in bed.)  I also enjoyed the scenery--the snow is beautiful.  And I even had a great laugh when I missed my exit (even after I switched lanes because I knew it was coming up).  I enjoyed listening to Talia again recite her Nursery Rhymes and Ky & Alaina laugh and talk about the movie they were watching.

Once we got home, it was back to business.  I am so thankful the kids transitioned smoothly from playing to helping pack lunches for the week.  I am also thankful for an easy supper since we had leftover rotisserie chicken and Rob made delicious brussel sprouts as a side (seriously--you haven't had brussel sprouts until you've had them cooked the Schnake way!)  I am thankful for some time to play games with the kids before bed.  (Alaina and I played Old Maid and Rob & Ky played a rousing game of Checkers.)  And I am thankful that even though tomorrow is going to be freezing cold--it is STAY AT HOME TUESDAY!  Yeah!  So I can get things done at home and not worry about going anywhere (except to take Alaina to school.)

Finally, I am thankful that my new online book Study has begun and they posted the first chapter of the book online.  (I don't have the book yet!)  I am excited to get started on it.  So I am working on 3 different Biblical book studies now--one on my own, one online, and one with a ladies group.  I am excited by this new challenge and that I will be growing in the Lord.   

I Chronicles 29:10 - 20
Therefore David blessed the Lord in the presence of all the assembly. And David said: “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name. “But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able thus to offer willingly? For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you.

BTW--Ky makes a basket at the very beginning of Video 2

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