Thursday, January 09, 2014

January 7th

I loved sleeping in for one last time.  I loved that it  was too cold to go to school or to go anywhere!  I loved that the kids were again playing with Legos and puzzles and only Talia was pushing me for breakfast.  I loved that we sat together and ate and the kids told me what their "1 thing they want to do for the day was..."  Ky wanted to watch a movie, Alaina wanted to play her video game, and Talia wanted to help me make dinner.  I loved attempting to make "Instant snow" outside and how the kids crowded the window to watch.  I loved blowing bubbles outside for them so they could see them freeze.  I loved that they cleaned up the house happily so I could vacuum.  I loved watching "I want a dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown" with the kids over lunch.  I loved that we stayed in our pajamas again. I loved that Alaina kept asking to get dressed, but never did even when I said "yes" every time.  I loved that Ky wasn't mad when I accidentally smashed his Gingerbread train.  I loved watching the kids play with Play Doh for hours!  (Okay--it was only an hour, but it felt like hours!) I loved using my slowcooker to make dinner AGAIN! I loved it when Daddy came home and we ate together like always.  I loved that we played tag as a family after dinner and Talia is old enough that she actually plays.  I loved listening to all the laughter.  I loved tucking my kids in and the extra hugs Ky gave me since he wanted to spend more time at home with me instead of return to school tomorrow.  I loved being able to resume work on Alaina's bedskirt.  I loved that I got to bed before 11.

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