Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Jan 3rd

I Loved sleeping in again.  I loved that even though I was angry from messes, Ky told me that he was going to try harder to pick up after himself.  I love how the kids immediately pulled it together, cleaned up and we were able to go to the Y to swim.  I love that the Y is open to anyone this week.  I loved watching the kids play in the pool.  The girls chased after each other down the slide and giggled.  I love that Ky did the swimming test and passed (though I wasn't surprised--I was just proud of his courage to do it.)  I love that the girls wanted to go in the big pool.  I love how Alaina is getting confident in her swimming and can swim comfortably with just a noodle.  I love how Talia still has no fear of the water and kept trying to swim in the deep end.  I love how both girls jumped in.

I loved to be able to paint in the girl's room and to finish it up!  YEAH!  I loved having lunch and watching a movie with the kids in the family room.  I loved when daddy came home and joined us.  I loved anticipating the cold weather that was coming and the possibility of having the kids home for a few extra days.  It was sad that break was coming to an end so soon--it was so busy it didn't seem like we had enough time to enjoy it.  I loved enjoying time by the fireplace with my husband at the end of the night.  I loved that he agreed to this "Clean Eating Detox" with me.

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