Thursday, January 09, 2014

January 9

I loved having quiet prayer time this morning in bed before I got up and then my Bible time.  I love the quiet of the morning.  I love that Ky didn't ask for more breakfast, instead he patiently waited until I returned to the table with the bowl.  I love that Ky said I couldn't hug him too long or he might cry before he left for school (he still wants to stay home with me.) I love going to the club and attending Punk Rope--(boy, do I need to work on my jumping--I used to be a pro back in the day.)  I love that I got to talk to a friend before I left.  I loved going to the library and having the peace to just browse the books (even if the girls were addicted to the Ipads they installed.)  I loved that they had just got in the book I wanted!!!!  I loved watching the girls excitedly unpack the library bag and carefully look through each book before placing it on the shelf.  I loved reading to the girls before we left to school.  I loved sitting at lunch with Talia where she argued with me that her turkey wasn't turkey, "It's meat!"  I love how she kept looking at me bewildered every time I accidentally said turkey.  ("Geez mom!  Can't you get it right?!  It's meat!")  I loved how she read to me her Mother Goose book before bedtime.  I loved reading to her the book "The Invisible String."  It's one of my new favorites.

I loved having time to sort out the sewing desk.  I love that I made a list of things to sort through and I should have the house organized (with exception of the basement, of course!!) in 30 days if I tackle one thing a day.  I love that Terri was feeling well enough to bring the kids home, so I got extra time to work in quiet. 

I loved not having to make dinner since it was all leftovers and no one complained.  I loved how Alaina gave me every little detail about school when I asked--down to "Felix rang the Clean up bell!"  yet when I asked what book they read at school, she had no clue. 

I love that Talia hugs me when I am on the computer and it usually chokes me (they are intensive hugs!)  I love how the girls play so well together and how when Daddy asked what they were doing, Alaina gave a 5 minute dissertation on exactly what they were playing, what had happened, and what was going to happen.  I love listening to Talia to attempt to sing like her sister and only 2 or 3 actual words are sung in the song  (the rest is a lot of made up stuff.)

I love that Ky just came down wondering why his socks didn't fit right (he was wearing Daddy's).

I loved that when I came downstairs after tucking in the kids for the night, I found the girls' dolls dressed like this....all sitting quite nicely on the couch. 

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