Thursday, January 09, 2014

January 6th

I loved pretending to sleep in (I got up at 7:30 and didn't let the kids sleep much later since they needed to be getting back on the school schedule.  Though honestly, it was only Talia that I had to awake.)  I loved that the kids and I decided today would be a pajama day.  I loved how they played with Legos as I finished and ordered my 2012 photo book I have been working on forever!  I loved watching a movie (Prancer--though I did not love this movie) with the kids at lunch and eating in the family room. I loved getting out the "Goo -Hoo" , a gift from the Vander Heyden's, with Kylan and creating cars and bouncy balls.  I loved making necklaces with Alaina.  I loved letting the kids eat part of their gingerbread trains as I read Mary Poppins over snack.  I loved playing the game "Camp" with them.  I loved giving the kids baths in the afternoon only to have them change from their pajamas into new pajamas!  HA!  I love how they hurried through their baths so they could go play in their rooms now that I have them reorganized.  I love my crock pot and making beans in it for dinner--even if I didn't think the recipe was very good.  I loved it when Daddy came home and joined us for a game of Camp.

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