Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11

I am thankful for a relaxing day where I was able to clean out the hutch and organize the kids crafts.  I am thankful that Ky had a good basketball game this morning and Daddy took him so I could work on organizing.  I am thankful they were safe, since the roads still looked a bit icy.  I am thankful for Rob.  I loved watching him read the "Monster" story to Talia in the rocking chair.  I loved listening to her growl and clap her hands with him.  What a precious moment of bonding and love that I was able to witness.  I also loved that he played football on then Nintendo (yes, we do it old school here) with Kylan.  I found his loss to Kylan amusing.  (yes--I know the control wasn't working....:P)  I am so thankful that God made Rob to be my husband--that he planned for us to be together and to create and raise these children.  I am thankful and honored that he trusted me with this great responsibility.  I am thankful for the Dollar store and buying cheap Valentines with the kiddos today (as well as the great variety of storage items they have!)  I am thankful for "pizzamovie night" (that's how Talia says it).  I love that the kids are so excited.  I am thankful I have not craved pizza--this clean eating diet seems to be going pretty well! :)  I am thankful I have a wonderful partner (Rob) that sat through the AWFUL movie with me and made fun of it with me, even though we know the kids enjoyed it.  (Santa Buddies---pass it up, if all possible!)  I am thankful that despite Talia's multiple injuries in the last 24 hours, nothing has been major.  (A scraped eye--falling wooden drum, smashed & bloodied finger--toy box, bump on the head--pulled into a wall.)

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