Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13

Today was a joy.

I again give thanks for the warm weather. I am thankful the kids were ready plenty early and we had no difficulties leaving for school. I am thankful for a good RIPPED class even though I was lost on a few moves. (I'll get them next week.) I am thankful for my friend and instructor Jamie, who takes it all in stride and has a cheerful demeanor. I am thankful that Talia didn't pee on her dress, but merely dipped it in the toilet when she went potty. I am thankful it was laundry day, so that was taken care of!

I am thankful for resale stores like Saver's where I can purchase used items at a discount and keep from purchasing excess. I am thankful the girls love it there and I love watching them try on shoes (high heels of course!) I am thankful for Wendy, the manager there, who knows me by name and we can have nice brief chats at the register--it really does make me feel important and special to her that she always remembers my name. I am thankful for another pair of ice skates!--nothing like saving money on rentals when we go ice skating! 

I am thankful of the time the girls and I spent together watching part of the Nutcracker. It was neat watching Alaina's face and how she now has understanding that people actually have jobs to be ballet dancers. I also think she had greater appreciation for the dance and the music. I loved talking with her about it.

I am thankful for naptime and the tape player. I was able to do my Bible study then since I didn't get up on time this morning (intentionally, since we were up with Talia in the night.) I am thankful for carpooling so I didn't have to bring home Kylan.

I am thankful I had the courage to force the kids to go outside and play. (I struggle with this--should I really force them.) I watched them make snow angels, eat lots of snow, throw snow, go down the slide and pull each other in the sleds. I know they had fun. I am thankful that Ky is such a great big brother. He took great care with Talia and really played with her.

I am thankful for these precious memeories with the kids. Today Alaina and Ky decided I was the kid and they were the parents--and I was the kid that cooked them dinner :) . I also watched Ky attempt to teach Talia how to play the piano. That was very cute. And at the end of the night, I am thankful the kids are getting a firm foundation with the Lord. It was neat (and reminiscint of Joel and I) watching them play church and listening to them preach. Finally, I am thankful for some verses that have touched me today...and reminded me of what I am doing with my Blog:

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks, to God the Father through him.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus



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