Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30

Today was the second day in a row that the kids played Monopoly Jr. before going to school.  I am thankful that they get ready on time and that they enjoy playing together.  Kylan was off with a hug and a kiss and then the girls played nicely until I had vacuumed the house.  We then went to playgroup.  I am thankful that I had time to spend with my friends Ann, Rachel, and Cindi.  It had been a while since I had seen Cindi especially.  I loved the time the kids had to play and the time we had to connect and leisurely talk.  After playgroup, the girls and I came home and played together.  I had a lot of fun playing "guess what's in the purse" and dancing and singing with them.  Alaina is already too big to really pick up when we dance--so I have to enjoy my time with Talia while she is still small (though it makes Alaina jealous when I hold her and then I have to pick her up too.) 

Alaina then went to school and a beautiful snow began AND IT WAS WARM!  Over lunch I decided the kids and I were going outside after school.  We couldn't pass up this weather!  I am thankful for the beautiful snow and warm temps.  (I wish I had thought enough ahead to walk Alaina to school--but that's okay we enjoyed playing instead.) 

Talia took 50 minutes to eat.  I don't know what to do--she is just eating so leisurely AND she is actually eating so I don't want to cut her off.  She has been putting on some healthy weight.  For now, I will be thankful for her appetite and pray that she speeds up the eating process! 

After I put Talia to nap, I got to work on Ky's closet!  YEAH the last item on my "organize the house except the basement in one month" list!  So now the basement is even trashed more than before (since all the junk went down there!)  I am so thankful to be done.  I guess I will need to start an "organize the basement" list, but I really want to finish the girls' room first. 

After Ky and Alaina came home we all went out and played (well, I spent time shoveling while the kids played.)  I was getting hot and somehow the kids were getting cold---I think they weren't playing hard enough!  The neighbor kids came over to keep them busy though. 

I am thankful that I continue to keep up with my Bible studies even though I am not currently getting up early.  (I am still having exhausting dreams at night.  Last night I dreamed I was pregnant!  Oy VAY!)  I am thankful that after our devotion tonight, Alaina asked for us to read more.  I am thankful that Ky apologized a few more times today for his behavior yesterday (despite the fact that he was already forgiven.)  I am glad that it has weighed on his conscience and he understands that he made a poor choice. 

Psalms 9:11
Sing praises to the Lord, who sits enthroned in Zion! Tell among the peoples his deeds!

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