Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday, January 23

I woke up to the screams of Talia.  After telling her it wasn't time to get up, she wanted a hug from me and then went back to sleep.  I love that my hug worked the magic of what she needed at that time.  LOVE IT!

This morning Kylan told me that when I am 90 and he is 60 he will take care of Rob and I--and maybe he would even take care of us when we are in our late 80's.  Such a sweet boy.  I am thankful that he is thinking ahead! :)  I am also thankful that at dinner tonight I got Alaina to agree to take care of Rob and I in our 80's.  And Talia agreed to take care of us in our 70's.  Now we just have to make it to 70 on our own!:)

I am thankful for Playgroup.  Our group of 7 moms have stuck together for the past 6 years ( a few of us have kids in school, but we still stay in contact.)  Despite the cold cold cold weather, I was able to meet with 2 friends and catch up with them.  We met up at a gym and the kids had a great time.  I loved watching the girls hanging on the rings and the the trapeze.  My favorite part was watching them try to do the Hokey Pokey.  They had a good time.  I am also thankful for libraries.  The girls and I explored a new one today and I found some new books that I am excited to read with them.  I am thankful for the warm van and the constant singing of the girls---even when it is off key.  Alaina told me she figured out what she wanted to do for a job today.  She wants to be a singer.

I am thankful for the excitement of new books and excited girls.  I am thankful for peanutbutter smeared faces that still want kisses.  I am thankful for playdates scheduled and upcoming birthday parties.  I am thankful for owies that don't really need bandaids--but we can bandaid them anyway.  I am thankful for the opportunity to kiss owies with the belief that it does make them all better.

I am thankful that I have Veggie stock bouillon cubes I was able to use for dinner because I forgot to make veggie stock.  (Though it is made now! :) )  I am thankful that even though I didn't get the beans rehydrated enough, they were edible enough by dinner and the leftovers will be just fine.  I am thankful that Ky made the salad tonight and chattered away with me even though I am feeling very tired.  (I am thankful that I will soon be in bed!)  I am thankful that Ky got a speaking part in the school music program next week.  He is so excited and again I am proud of him. 

I am thankful for Alaina's picture of a red jeep in the jungle and the fact that she wrote and spelled the word "jeep" correctly.  I am proud of her reading.  She is doing so well!

I am thankful that I was able to buy the Kindle version of my online book study book for less than $5.  I am thankful that I was able to participate in some of the online interactive FB session tonight.  I am thankful to know there are thousands of other women out there that see that they have much to improve on and they want to be better.  I am thankful that I learned about verse mapping.  I think this will be very insightful for me.

I am thankful that Rob has offered to rub my shoulders for me.  I have something wonderful to look forward to.  I am thankful for children fighting over me--asking "Will you carry ME upstairs to bed?"  And I am thankful for bed, because that is where they need to be and that is where I am soon to follow. (Can you tell I am tired?)

Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you


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