Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10th--Eucharisteo

This past year I read 1000 Gifts by Ann Voscamp.  It is a wonderful book that basically comes down to--we have so much to be thankful for and yet often forget to.  When we forget to thank God for his blessings, we lose our focus on Christ and where our hearts should be.

Anyway--I have been thinking about my daily blogs and was thinking I need to change them to Eucharisteo--my daily journey to see His blessings...

So today I am blessed.

I was blessed by Kylan who woke up early and came downstairs because he "wanted to make sure he gave me a hug and kiss before I left for work." And he was going to miss me and tried hard to make sure he woke up early.  (Talk about melting a girl's heart!)  Today I subbed, but left before the kids got up.  I was blessed to have this job--it was a job where I work with the brightest and most challenged--what a spectrum!  I was blessed by a day that went well.  I was also blessed to have the opportunity to help several different people out at the end of the school day.  It was a blessing that I had a safe drive in the freezing rain and that I got to do some shopping by myself. 

It was a blessing to come home to a wonderful home-cooked meal that my husband had made.  I was blessed to see my children all playing happily together.  I was blessed to listen to Talia read to me her Mother Goose Rhymes (Again!)   I was blessed to hear Alaina say "It looks like a fairy vomited in here" when she saw glitter on the floor.  I am blessed to see that Rob picked up my miter box from Home Depot (I'm so excited!  And it comes with a saw!)  And now I am blessed to spend the relaxing evening with my husband.

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