Thursday, January 09, 2014

January 5th

Another day of sleeping in!  YEAH!!  (Does life get any better???) And yes sleeping in still means 8 AM in my book.

I loved taking Alaina to the theater to see Frozen even if we had a rocky start in the morning.  I loved that despite the cold we were warm inside watching a cold movie.  I loved the irony that a huge cold spell was moving into our area today and we weren't expected to be above zero for the next few days.

I loved watching her excited to see what we were going to (I am a mom who likes to surprise.)  I LOVED the fact that she didn't know anything about the movie--showing how I still am the main influence on her life and can shelter her from the commercial world until she is ready to understand and decipher the meaning of commercials.  I loved how she stood instead of sat in her seat as the move began.  I loved how she sat in my lap most of the movie and I was able to stroke her hair.  I LOVED having special time with my girl. 

I loved that after lunch we assembled the gingerbread trains I bought on clearance.  I loved how there was a car for each child.   I loved watching their excitement.  I loved that they snitched candy when they could and discovered making the train look like the box was much more difficult than they thought.  I loved how we relaxed and played games for the day.  I loved how I got all the paint things finally out of the girls room.  I loved knowing that there was no school the next day due to the cold weather and that we would all be safely at home, snuggly warm.

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