Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, January 29th

Today I am thankful the day is really, I am.  Sometimes you just have days like that.  I am thankful for dreams as I had some quite exciting ones last night--however all that running has left me exhausted before I even woke up!   (Yes, it was one of those dreams.)  I have been dreaming a lot lately, and normally I don't. brain is trying to tell me something.

I continue to be thankful that my kids play so well together and that they get ready for school reasonably easily.  (Just a sidenote--it wasn't always like this--in fact Alaina used to drag and drag.  She is still the last one always downstairs, but she has the goal to make it in time for breakfast---yup a Schnake rule--if you come down too late and breakfast is over--well, sucks to be you.  Yeah, we have had very few missed breakfasts in this house--do it once and they don't forget!)  I loved that the kids (yes all three!) were playing the new cooperative game Lorayne gave them.  All too soon, we had to get moving.  I am thankful the neighbor kids were ready right away so I could get to the store quicker.  (Lots to do on Wednesday--such a busy day!)  I am thankful that it was warmer and I wasn't freezing cold in the van or going in and out of stores.  I am thankful for the HUGE bundle of bananas I bought.  I am thankful that I ran into a friend at the store and we had time to chat.  I am thankful for the girl's wonderful behavior at the store.  It took training--but man, they do really great now!

HOWEVER, at the second store things did not go so well.  It didn't help that the store was out of the 2 main things I came for (though the manager apologized because of delayed trucks--go figure with the crazy weather lately--and gave me rainchecks.)  The girls were now becoming bored and began to become naughty.  I briefly became (in the words of Lysa Terkeurs) Unglued, but pulled it back together when I realized that they needed some consequences to help them remember their behavior and they were bored--poor kids, this trip should not have taken this long.  I was also touched by Alaina's heartfelt apology.  She has a wonderful heart that wants to make things right. 

After a biscuit mix-up (yeah the cashier was NOT happy with me--but hey--when things are incorrectly labeled...), we were done with errands!  YEAH! 

The afternoon was fine.  I finished up organizing my room and I am excited that I only have Ky's closet left in my "organize the house (except the basement) in less than a month" goal.  Talia did not nap which was irritating, but I know her napping schedule is off.  Hopefully, we will get back on it tomorrow. 

After I picked up the kids from school, I noticed Ky was not quite acting like himself.  I received a call from his teacher then that explained why.  Him and a friend were being "boys" and were getting a big rowdy at the end of the school day despite teachers telling them to call down.  (I know some of you are frowing at my use of "boys"--but seriously the poor kids have been locked inside from the freezing cold for a long doesn't excuse their behavior--but these kiddos have energy that needs to be burned and well they are still learning how to manage that and find the appropriate times to do so.)  Anyway--talking to Ky there were a lot of tears.  He knew he was wrong and regretted his choices.  I am thankful for his repentent heart.  After dinner we had him write an apology letter to his teacher as well as twenty sentences and he lost media time for a week (with exception of the SuperBowl and pizza/movie night.)  This is a pretty hefty punishment for him since he is obsessed with video games  (good thing he limited to 30 minutes a day!)  I am pretty confident he will turn this all around.

I am thankful that Alaina brought home her journal from school today.  It was fun to see all the words and pictures she has worked on in class.  I especially like her "jeep" in a jungle and pictured of snow women.  And tonight she colored me a special picture of the family--including a flying baby Talia, and a Kylan saying "NO!"--which she interpreted with an "X".  She is ONE smart cookie!

Finally, I am thankful that this clean eating diet is almost over (I think I have already stated this in a prior blog.) It is just becoming too much work.  Two more days to go--and then I will continue to eat even healthier than previously, but a little less obsessively in making sure we eat NO process sugar or dairy or soy or corn product or flour product!  Boy do I miss baking with my girls--and I bet they miss it too! 

Psalm 147:7
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre!

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