Thursday, January 09, 2014

January 8th

I loved waking up before anyone else and doing my Bible reading.  (I have slacked off since Christmas.)  It was wonderful to start the day the right way.  I loved waking up all my kids to the new day (though Ky was already climbing out.) I love how he gets himself up every morning at 7 AM  (no need to set an alarm with this kid.)  I love how I can snuggle with Alaina in the morning and she is gentle.  I love how Talia reaches her arms out to me for me to pick her up.  (We just moved her into a big girl bed right after Christmas--but she still loves for us to get her up.) 

I loved how Kylan cried real tears because he didn't want to go back to school--he wanted to spend another day with me.  I love how Alaina followed suit--even though it was more whiney and complainey--I knew she meant the same thing.  I love how Ky beat me in a quick game of "HI" (we didn't have time for Horse) on his basketball hoop before we left for school.  I loved how the neighbor kids beat me to my van, I didn't even have to drive over to their house to get them.  I loved watching them jump out of the van and Ky looking back as he walked into school.  I loved going to Woodman's and getting great deals on produce they consider "old".  99cents per HUGE bag--be there before 9 if you want good stuff.  I loved that I got grapes and fennel and more organic lettuce mix!  I loved getting Cream of Wheat for 79 cents with coupon!  (I didn't quite love my total bill--this Clean Eating Detox is PRICEY--but it's just one month...and I am learning to balance...)  I loved going to the Princeton Club for a quick workout.  I tried to love running on the treadmill--but seriously, I just can't quite get into it yet--or maybe ever...

I loved returning home and having the girls ANXIOUS to help unpack the groceries.  I loved how they waited for me on the basement stairs (even though they know they aren't supposed to.)  I loved their enthusiam in helping pack lunches.  I loved going to school and being able to help out two teachers.  I loved that Talia wanted to help.  I loved the moment she returned the stapler to one of the teachers and the kids thought she was adorable.  (Hey--I'm not the only one!)  I loved being able to help fix the copier--yeah--I still have that touch.  I loved reading Talia her nap book and letting her choose which bed she wanted to sleep in (she chose Alaina's). 

I loved waking her up and her snuggling in my shoulder.  I loved letting her sit on my lap while I drove 2 doors down to the neighbor.  She was excited to spend time with Mrs. Terri while I picked up all the kids.  I loved how excited Alaina and Ky were when I picked them up, I got big hugs from them both.  I loved how Maelin gave Talia a stuffed dog when I picked her up (I loved the action--not the toy...I think Mrs. Terri is going to be receiving some stuff animals soon too!  Geez!  How many stuff animals can a kid possibly have--and I am talking about my kids!)  I loved watching Alaina proudly display the bear she made "all by myself" at school today.  I loved reading Mary Poppins to the kids at snacktime.  I loved how Ky happily helped me chop vegetables (he is really good at chopping veggies!)  until Daniel came over.  I love how Maelin taught Alaina how to make paper dolls and clothes.  I loved how Talia asked me to trace her hand.  I loved how the kids preoccupied themselves so I could make dinner.  I LOVE PLAYDATES!  I love how Alaina wanted so badly for their friends to stay for dinner.  I loved watching Maelin and Daniel say "We like lentil barley soup!"  I loved how then they didn't eat the soup!  I loved how they screamed and played tag after dinner.  (Yes---we allow this at our house--in fact we have a path to have to be kids and when it is -10 for a week, they have to get their energy out somehow.)  I loved watching Alaina dress up in the clothes Maelin brought over.  I loved tucking the kids in and knowing I will be spending some time with my husband now.  I really loved this day.  Getting back on schedule went much better than I thought it would. 

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