Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17th

Today was a blessing as my son came and hugged me "just because" this morning as I was working to get things ready.   The neighbor kids also walked over so I didn't have to pick them up.  I was also blessed by going to the other Target nearby and stocking up on a few more additional toys--some to donate, some to put in the gift "stock" for birthday presents in the future.  We were also blessed by Goodwill where I picked up a few pair of jeans for Kylan, one brand new with tags.  Unfortunately, none of them fit him now, but they will be great for next year.  (Yeah--call me surprised.  The ones in his "size" were too long!)  So I guess the jean search continues.  And I am blessed by that.  I enjoy looking for good deals.  I also picked up a bolero (sp?)  for myself.  It was too cute to pass up and it will work year round.  What's really funny--is that without Alaina, I would have no idea what a bolero is.  The girl has really informed me on fashion--and that is a blessing.  I tell her all the time that some day she will help me have a fashionable wardrobe. 

Getting ready to take Alaina to school, I noticed that Talia was being really grumpy.  I asked her if she needed a hug and was surprised when she came running to me.  We had such a big hug and snuggle and I and her were blessed by it.  Her attitude really turned around after that.  We enjoyed lunch together again where I was blessed by her big appetite (I cut her off...lunch should not go more than 30 minutes!)  And I enjoyed naptime by baking cakes for Ryan, Lisa's and Debi's birthday tomorrow.  And that was a blessing to me, since I enjoy that.  Decorating is my favorite part, of course!   (And I snitched--sorry clean eating diet! Today and tomorrow are kind of going out the window!) 

Speaking of Clean Eating, according to the scale I have lost 5 lbs in 15 days.  That is pretty remarkable since I eat whatever I want as long as it is clean.  I think it really says something about all those processed foods. (And what's really funny is that I don't eat a lot processed foods.  Hmmm....) 

I was amused and blessed by Talia's tantrum of wanting to eat "poops" as well (see video below!)  Ky told her he was eating poo and she literally had a tantrum when I told her she couldn't eat poops.  (Unfortunately we got out the camera after most of the tantrum was over.)  Crazy kids!  Gotta love them.

Tonight I look forward to catching up with my husband which I am thankful for.  The past week has been very hectic.  After cake decorating and his finishing a small thing for work, it is me and him time and I will be blessed and rejuvenated by that.  And this weekend I look forward to a getaway with the family--a true blessing. 

II Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.



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