Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 22

BUSY BUSY BUSY!  I thank God that despite all the business of the day, we were safe, warm, and accomplished all that we needed to and saw 2 wonderful friends I hadn't seen in a while.

So this morning we were off to a quick start with running to 2 stores and dropping off a gift for my birthday friend Julie and running to the gym before taking Alaina to school!  Whew!  I am exhausted just talking about it.  I am thankful that we were able to accomplish all and the girls were patient and kind.  They were helpful with unloading the cart and enjoyed seeing their friends when we ran into my friend Olesya at the store.  Sometimes the warm smile of a friend can really make your day--and she made mine when I was feeling overwhelmed!  To top it all off--my good friend Julie also came over this afternoon and was so helpful reading to Talia and putting her down for a nap while I unloaded the groceries.  She is such a blessing and I was thankful to have some girl time and chat with her.  It has been a long time since we have seen each other--too long!  (I also ran into a friend at the gym and the other store I went to.  I love how Madison is just small enough where you run into friends.)  I am so thankful that God has given me such wonderful friends. 

After the errands we went directly to school to drop Alaina off and help out in Ky's classroom.  I love seeing my boy.  He gave me a playful shove when he saw me and pulled Talia next to him to eat lunch.  I love the close relationships with my children.  I can tell that Ky is very proud of his little sister and likes to show her to his friends. 

I am thankful that this afternoon I had just enough time for my online Bible Study.  I am also thankful that they sent out the 2nd chapter online so I could keep up!  (I haven't gotten my book yet.)  I am thankful that the kids and I finished Mary Poppins.  They are excited to see the movie and I am excited for them to see it--especially since it is so much different than the book!

I am so thankful that I have a Christian Mom's group that I can message for advice on getting a new devotional for the kids.  We have finished reading through our children's Bible and we need to find something new to read at dinner.  I have several recommendations and I am excited to check them out. 

I loved that when we came home from school today, the big kids asked to go play on the snow hill in front of our neighbors house (even though it was -10 wind chill.)  "Absolutely!"   I said.  I am glad they took the opportunity to play even though it was only 10 minutes.  

I loved the fact that Alaina wanted to hurry out of the bath tonight because she was marrying Pooh Bear and had to get ready!  Ha!  I loved how her and Talia ran around in dress up clothes tonight--Talia mimicking most of what Alaina was doing.  I really enjoy their relationship!  I love kids.

The last week my thoughts have been with my good friends who are currently with their new daughter in China.  They will be bringing her home in a week.  I am excited for them and thankful that they had this opportunity.  I continue to pray that their daughter quickly attaches to them and is able to understand what is going on. 

My thoughts have also been with the foster agency we have sent our inquiry to.  We have not heard back yet, but I know the lady was out of town--so hopefully soon.  I am ready to get that process started and to get my many questions answered. 

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

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