Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27

Brrrrr....It is cold.  Today I think we are the only school open in Southern Wisconsin.  The temp was never expected to be above 0 and wind chills are -30 to -45.  I am thankful for our warm home and warm clothes and a warm vehicle to get around in.  I know there are many families in need and I am keep them in thoughts and prayers. 

I was surprised school was in session today, but I know the district is feeling pressed for make-up days with 2 days already missed.  Tomorrow is suppposed to be worse, and the district has already cancelled.  I am thankful for the snow day!  And excited to get to spend Stay At Home Tuesday with all my kiddos!

This morning I let the van warm up for 20 minutes and it was pretty warm by the time we left to take the kids to school.  Since I was already out, I figured I may as well go about my usual day.  We went to they gym where I connected with a few friends and then to Saver's where we scored some great deals.  I got a small bin of legos, a pretty sweater, a nice shirt for Kylan, and a brand new princess calendar for Alaina (which I think I will frame some of the pictures (or make silhouettes) for her room.  The girls had a blast there--as they usually do.  Alaina found high heel bright red leather books that went all the way up to her legs.  (I wish I had gotten a picture of that!) 

Talia started having a meltdown and Alaina dumped the cart which told me it was time to go.  We had a nice lunch together and then had a little playtime before we picked up Kylan. I don't normally pick him up on Monday's because it interferes with Talia's naptime.  A friend of mine gets him and drops him off, but she couldn't today.  (I am SO thankful she does that for me on Monday's and I was reminded how thankful I was today.)  Talia wouldn't get ready to go (too tired, 2 year old meltdown) and during the 2 minute drive to school she fell asleep in her carseat.  I tried waking her up, but it was near impossible.  So of course once we got home, I put her down for a nap and she refused to sleep--which made for a VERY grumpy Talia for the rest of the day. 

Ky and Laina did their schoolwork as usual and then the neighbor boy called to come over and play. We told him "after Ky practices piano."  Which now meant piano time was stressful.  Ky wanted to rush and not play the notes in time.  As he "melted" down, I told him to go to his room and come back when he was ready to listen to me.  As he walked up the stairs he said (with tears dripping down his face), "Mom, God did not make me to be a piano player--that's not what he wants me to be."  HILARIOUS!  So--Ky loves the piano and I know he does because he has self-taught himselft beyond what I have worked with him on.  We do a 5 minute lesson on Monday's and then I just ask him to play the song I assign him one time a day for practice.  This literally takes him one minute and then he plays what he wants to play for fun.  I am thankful for this moment because I know that he knows that God has a plan for him.

Dinner was nice, but Talia continued to meltdown.  My friend Olesya also called and asked us to come over for lunch tomorrow. I am so blessed to have found a friend in her.  I have been praying and working on being more social.  I know I am naturally introverted and staying at home with the kids encourages that, but I know that God wants me to connect with others and be blessed by their friendship.  So tomorrow, I will most likely forego Stay At Home Tuesday (assuming the van starts!) to bond with a frined.  I am thankful that God has given me this new friendship and it continues to grow.

Hebrews 13:15
Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.

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