Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21st

Whew!  I am exhausted.  And I am thankful for the clean bed I will be sleeping in shortly.

Today, I got a lot done and I am thankful for that.  All the kids helped me put together puzzles and over half had all their pieces (I am thankful for that--but dumbfounded by how they lost so many pieces in the past 2 months!)  EGADS!  I am thankful the girls played nicely while I worked on my Bible study. I am thankful that there are 40,000 other women also taking part on this online study.  It is exciting knowing that many others are working on it with me. 

I am thankful for the time I had to prepare for grocery shopping tomorrow and I am thankful for coupons!  They really help save money!  I am thankful for the smell of gingerbread-- mmmm...I baked some for my good friend Julie, whose birthday is today.  I am thankful for my close relationship with her.  She is someone I can talk to when I am sad or happy.  She is always there to listen and she has GREAT parenting advice.  I also love that she will call me and come over at any time.  (I am not the best at reaching out to people--I definitely need to work on this.  So people like Julie are so important in my life.) 

I am thankful for my girls and how well they play together.  I loved listening to Alaina teach Talia how to play Frozen.  And how she got her to sing the songs.  I love how Alaina brings me home pictures she colored for me (almost everyday) in an envelope that says "To Mom"

I love how I was able to go through the kids toys (up and downstairs) and I have collected 2 bins of toys to get rid of.  Less truly is MORE!  I will stash them in the basement and if there is no mention of them by June, they are toys they don't need or want and I will get rid of them.  (I don't love how messy my basement is with all this stuff to get rid of! But I am thankful that we have more than enough--and we will learn how to be more sustainable and have less.) 

I love knowing that my husband will most likely put fresh sheets on our bed soon and then help me fold laundry--and I don't have to ask, he just does.  I love how he is my partner and just helps.  I am so thankful for him. 

I love one of my new verses for the week--I find that it helps me not just with my diet, but also in decluttering the house...

I Corinthians 10:23
Everything is permissible - but not everything is beneficial.

Yeah--that pretty much sums it up.

And now for a thankful verse...

Philipians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  


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