Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28

Today was a wonderful day.  I slept in until 7:30 and went to get Talia up.  She was quietly talking to herself while lying in bed.  She lifted her arms for me to pick her up.  I will miss the day when my kids no longer reach their arms up to me.  We had a relaxing morning.  I did my Bible study while the kids did their homework.  Alaina is doing wonderful in math, and I am working on instilling confidence in her.  She will ask me how to write a "12".  I know that she knows, but she is not confident and does not want to be wrong.  I pray that she grows to trust herself and continues to learn that making mistakes is a part of learning and if she doesn't try then she will lose the opportunity to learn.  After school work we did a puzzle together.  (This was Talia's choice--I asked each kid what they wanted to do today.)  After putting the puzzle together we got ready and left for a playdate at Olesya's.  The kids had a blast as usual.  It is fun watching the girls play dolls together and the boys be obnoxious together (comes with the age...)

Olesya and I had a nice time talking about how we organize stuff, looking up bunk beds (we are both in the market for a set), and just chatting.  I am glad I came over and gave up "Stay At Home Tuesday."  And let me say, it wasn't that cold.  It was  a cold start to the morning, but by the time I left it was 1 degree.  (Hey, positive numbers are quite wonderful around here lately!)  We returned home and put Talia down to bed and the big kids and I played Monopoly Junior and drank hot chocolate (well--they drank it...I am still clean eating here..)  After playing for 30 minutes or so, I realized I must have messed up on the rules because this game was never going to end.  I decided to end it there (before Alaina grew tired of it.)  We then woke up Talia and watched the movie "Bolt" in the family room with popcorn.  (This was Ky's choice for what he wanted to do today.)  It is a VERY cute movie by the way!  Part of the way through the neighbor boy came over and I enjoyed watching the kids snuggle on the couch and watch the movie.  I am so blessed by having affectionate children and a good friend who is the same. 

After dinner it was bath time.  I gave the kid's "capsules" that they hatched in the tub (found in my house cleaning.)  They had a wonderful time.  When Ky got out of the tub, I heard Kylan say, "That's a birth mark."  Alaina then came to me and said "What's a birth mark?"  I told her it was a place God kissed before you were born.  (I know--good quick thinking on my part!)  Then Alaina ran down the hall to Kylan and yelled, "God kissed you on your butt!"  (Yeah, Ky doesn't have a birthmark on his butt, he does however have a freckle or mole.)  Here, I thought she had seen his birthmark...Oh, fun times!

Oh and we also have a new pet.  The kids have found a box elder bug in the house and have named it girlboy or boygirl (depending on who is talking about him.  They don't know if he is a boy or girl that is why they wanted a name that was gender neutral.)  They are keeping him in Alaina's jewelry box with a little flashlight so heshe has  light.  At one point Ky asked Alaina what the bug was doing and Alaina said, "Oh, he is having fun!!!  He's kicking his legs in the air and playing."  (Poor bug!) 

Tomorrow it is back to the same old schedule.  Today was a blessing and a gift of extra time with my children.  I am grateful for every moment I have with them (even when they are driving me crazy!)

I Chronicles 29:10 - 13
Therefore David blessed the Lord in the presence of all the assembly. And David said: “Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of Israel our father, forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.

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