Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday January 26

Today was a quiet day and I am thankful for quiet days.

We woke up to several inches of snow.  It was beautiful.  We drove slowly to church and I am thankful the Lord kept us safe.  After service, we went to the gym and then home for lunch.  While Rob and Kylan were shoveling, Ky was attacked by a playful bird.  I guess it was chasing a companion and was confused by Kylan.  Very cute!
We packed lunches for the week and saw that school has not been cancelled.  I am expecting they will cancel on Tuesday.  The new blast of cold air does not look fun.  Monday night it is supposed to get in the -20's.  The kids played nicely while I finished up a gift I am making.  It took much longer than planned so we ended up having a late dinner.  I am thankful that Rob made it.  YEAH!  That gave me time to pick out kid's clothes for the week (which includes monitoring Alaina's choices--she doesn't seem to understand that when the temperature is not going to get above zero, dresses are a poor choice...) and I cleaned out the girl's closet.  Alaina needs to move up a pant size and Talia will soon too.  So I pulled out the small pants, which now commits me this week to pulling up the next size from the basement (this can be time consuming...pulling out new clothes with 2 girls that like to dress-up, yeah, can you picture this?) 

Alaina helped Talia get in her pajamas (she is such a wonderful helper and I am so thankful for her!)   We had a good dinner with Bible time and then got the kids ready for bed.  Like I said, a quiet day.  I am a bit bummed I didn't have "kid time" really today, but I hope to make up for that tomorrow. 

Malachi 3:10
Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.

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