Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16

Today I was blessed by sleeping in--just a tad....

Boy--I guess I was tired.  I fell asleep on the couch and then Talia woke me up in the middle of the night.  Good thing Ky is always up at 7!  I am blessed to have such a reliable son.  I was also blessed by his hugs this morning and his telling me that he loves me.  He again told me not to hug him too long before he left because he didn't want to cry.  (Doesn't he just melt your heart!  The Lord has one lucky lady in mind for him someday!)  He went outside in the fresh snowfall waiting for his ride.  I loved watching him sit in the snow and just take it all in. God is good! 

After Ky went off to school, I used the time to catch up on my Bible study--yes Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood was a blessing so I could do this.  And then the girls blessed me by helping me clean out the pantry and the game closet.  They are such wonderful helpers.  Afterwards we played several of the games to see if we wanted to keep them. And it was fun!  We then walked Alaina in the warm snow to school.  I loved watching Alaina and Talia make shapes with their feet and identify bunny prints that went across streets, yards, and sidewalks.  We had a very nice walk. 

On the walk home I was blessed by Talia's singing and of course I joined in.  We had lunch together where we picked seeds out of our "seedless" grapes.  She asked for more.  It has been a blessing that her appetite has picked up.  Lately, she has eaten anything you put in front of her AND asked for seconds.  I am assuming she is in a growth spurt.  I was blessed when she asked for me to read "The Invisible String" to her.  I love that book. 

Over naptime, I was able to clean the oven and finish cleaning up in the game closet. 

What I am most excited about --is that I finally took the first steps looking into foster care. As we have been blessed, we also want to bless others.  Rob and I have been talking about it and we have decided that with this New Year we are going to look into becoming respite foster parents.  At this time we are unsure about becoming full time foster care parents.  We feel the kids may need to be a little older or that we need to get a better idea how the kids will be with a foster brother/sister, so we want to take one step at a time.  I was excited to look up their website and saw that it said "Live Deeper. Love Wider. Leave Bigger."  Which interestingly enough, fully envelops what my Bible study was about this morning.  (Matthew 20:26 - 28  Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.)  Anyway, I am excited for what God has in store for us and how we can be a blessing to other families.

In the afternoon, Ky was a blessing by helping me to shovel our driveway. He also helped me to shovel the neighbors'.  I am so proud of him and his desire to help.

Tonight, I went to a new women's study.  I was a bit nervous, but it was a blessing to see several familiar faces.  I am not always the best at starting up conversations and I often feel a bit awkward in new situations (guess that is the introvert in me), but I felt good by the time we sat down and began.  I am really looking forward to this opportunity to grow and thank God for the opportunity to meet these women and to grow with them.  And afterwards I ran to Target, where I scored some toys for 70% off!  (Yeah to early Christmas/birthday shopping).  I am definitely thankful for Target 70% days--it only happens 2x a year!

Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

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