Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 31st!

YEAH!  I have made it.  As of midnight tonight I can eat processed foods....not that I'm planning to do that! :)

I am proud of myself and I think I will try to keep a better eye on labels and avoid foods where sugar is in it when it seems unnecessary.  Did I mention that I found that my canned corn had sugar in it!  REALLY!!! And they feel this is necessary!  So I do miss bread--I am excited to eat pancakes again.  I also miss cheese.  (I live in Wisconsin, what do you expect!)  And I lost a total of 5 lbs--which I wonder if I will gain back right away once I begin eating bread again.  We will have to see.

Despite my thankfulness that this was the last day of our Clean Eating, it was a rough morning for me.  We ran to Target this morning to pick up a few things and when we are on the opposite side of the store from the bathrooms, Talia begins to yell she has to poop!  UGH!  And when she goes at a store she takes FOREVER!!! She seems to lavish using a different lavatory.   I don't get it.  So off we go, running to the opposite end of the store so Talia could take care of business.  Yes--I was irritated and impatient.  I did not handle the situation so well.  If only she could have waited 10 more minutes.  Thankfully I at least had my phone to entertain me in the long wait.  Of course, these important matters have to be texted to Daddy--and it makes me feel better!

I wish I could say my morning got better, but I had a lot of things I needed to do before going to Ky's school to help out his teacher and then his concert.  Talia was clearly already tired and she was whining and just wanting attention.  Yeah--again, I didn't handle this in the best way.  I am thankful that I have many other days I can make up for my poor attitude (and that my children are forgiving.) 

Helping out at Ky's school was fun.  I met the new student teacher who told me that Ky's teacher had assigned her to come up with some special assignments for Kylan since he needs to be challenged.  Have I told you how much I love Ky's current teacher.  She was also his Kindergarten teacher and in Kindergarten she quickly realized that Kylan needed more than what the kids were being currently taught.  For example, Ky is currently in second grade and he already knows division and some basic algebra (i.e.  Jim has 3 friends and together they have 21 suckers, if everyone has the same amount of suckers how many does each friend have?)  Ky is also advanced in reading (Spanish and English!)  In fact, in December Ky was given a test in Spanish on reading and comprehension.  He scored 99%.  He missed 1 out of 117 questions.  He scored at the top of his class.  I am so proud of him and a little jealous that he picks up on things so quick!

Anyway--it was nice to hear that the student teacher was informed about Ky and already working on some special assignments for him.  Towards the end of my helping time, Ky's teacher asked if one of the students could read to Talia.  "Of course!" was my answer.  This was a student who was struggling in reading.  It worked out very well.  In fact, when he was done, another student who is a poor reader asked to read to her.  Ky's teacher and I then discussed how the students  could take turns reading to Talia when I came and how it would be a blessing to us both.  I am so excited about this.

After helping out, I went down to the gym with Talia and Rob met me for Ky's winter concert.  The kids were adorable.  And Ky did a wonderful job with his lines.  He was loud and proud.  (As always I will post videos and pics a bit later on this blog.)  I was very proud of him.  I am so thankful he had this opportunity.

I am also thankful that I had the courage (sometimes I have difficulty asking for help) to ask Terry to bring the kids home from school.  Because I was getting back late, I knew Talia would need the extra naptime--and let me tell you, she needed it today!

I also got a little work done in the basement (I am thankful for this time.)  I organized my pantry (yes, I have food like my canned goods and some snack foods stored down there) and all my jars.  I have decided that I will try to organize the basement in the month of February (since I did the rest of the house in January, I should be able to do this, right?!)  We will see.  I also still need to finish the trim on the girls' room.  I am hoping I will have some time on Sunday. 

After the kids got home, I messaged one of my friends for birthday present ideas for her little girl.  (The kids are going to her b'day party tomorrow.)  When I told Ky that he was invited he told me "There will be girls there, I don't want to go.  But if you force me, I will."  So cute!  He is playing the "gender" game now--but really does enjoy his girl friends (not girlfriends--too early for that!)

A few night ago at dinner (I forgot to write down this funny), Talia was grunting and looking like she had to go potty really bad.  So I asked her "What are you doing?"  And to that she replied in the most innocent voice, "I'm not pooping!"  It was very cute! These moments I am so thankful for--when I am getting frustrated I just need to remember these moments to help perk my spirits. 

Finally, I forgot to also update you on our Foster Care.  We did finally get a response.  We are attending a meeting on February 10 which will inform us on procedures and how things work, as well as answer questions.  From there, we get to start on paperwork.  I am excited and ready to move forward. 

Tomorrow is February 1st.  I am thankful for January and the weather that gave me extra bonding time with my kids as well as great snow to play in (speaking of which, we are supposed to get another 2-5 inches tomorrow!)  I am thankful for my Bible studies and my steps towards being more open to others and creating new relationships.  At the same time I have much to look forward to in February.  Until next month!

I Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

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