Sunday, February 02, 2014

Saturday, February 1st

Saturday I was crabby…I admit it. Crabby! I wanted to sleep and be left alone. Friday night I went to bed not feeling the greatest and when I woke up I felt fine—except for my attitude. And I should have been happy! I was done Clean Eating! YEAH! I took the girls to ballet class and Talia LOVED watching Alaina danced. It was a blessing to see Talia attempting to twirl around as she watched her sister and it did lift my spirits.

When we got home, Alaina wanted to teach Talia ballet.  So I pulled out some ballet stuff for Talia and she dressed the part.  It was such a blessing to watch the girls.  Alaina was a wonderful teacher and Talia enjoyed learning.  I loved watching them leap and point their toes.

After that I put on a Barbie video the girls had been begging for.  (Alaina picked it out from the library.)  So I begrudingly put it on.  I really DON'T like Barbie.  And then it turned out to be a musical which made it MUCH worse!  Rob came home with Ky shortly after that and Ky told me about his game.  He said it was the best game yet where he made 4 baskets AND he made a crazy shot from past the 3 point line and made it.  He was very proud of himself and I am proud of him.

While I made lunch, I guess Rob decided to settle himself in with the girls and the Barbie move.  What a great Dad!  (Even I don't sit with the girls when they put on Barbie.)  Rob is such a blessing.  He has brought so much joy and healing to me and I love him all the more for it.  He is such a great role model for myself. 

  After lunch I took the kids to a birthday party. There was a LOT of kids and I was blessed to talk with 2 moms, I knew as acquaintances and bond with them a little more. See--small steps to becoming more social! I will do it! Kids are one uniting factor that ALL moms have. If you have kids, you have something to bond with. I was also glad that I was able to be a blessing by helping to serve the kids food. I was also glad that Alaina got special playtime with Lexi.  Lexi is one of her best friends so I know this time was special to her.  By the end of the party I was ready to go (remember, woke up crabby...there is just something so comforting about going home--and I knew my good friend Julie was coming.) And boy, amd I so thankful that Julie came. She really perked me out of my mood. Friends are such a wonderful blessing! We went to multiple stores, just browsing at some and taking care of some errands that we needed to. We also went out for dinner. It was a wonderful time of just chatting and connecting. She is such a wonderful friend and has such a wonderful heart. She inspires me. We had a great time and I know we will go out again soon. At the end of the night we went to Half Price Books where I was so excited to find a really neat looking devotional book. I am so thankful that I found it--and at a discounted price. I also saw another one there that I plan to get soon. It is called "Devotions for Princesses." I think I will get it next year for the girls. When I returned home, I had some great conversation with Rob. My whole mood had changed since the morning. I am thankful that I was able to have lows earlier that made my highs all the higher. I also realized that if I hadn't forced myself to do things (go to the party) I might have lost opportunities to help brighten my mood. I am thankful for this day--and I do remember that it is a day the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it--no matter what! I Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”


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