Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18

What a blessing it was to wake up to snowblowers!  Not just one, but 2 dueling snowblowers that were clearing the driveways of the cul de sac.  What wonderful neighbors! 

I was also blessed to learn that our neighbor is now home and relaxing and healing.  I am so thankful that this scary and stressful crisis has turned out so well.  I am thankful that he had this mild heart attack--because it revealed a big problem that needed to be fixed right away.  How amazing!  Who would have thought we could be grateful for such a scary thing!  I am so glad that his family can now be together--and on his youngest son's birthday!  Who could ask for a better gift!?

I was amused this morning as I listened to Ky & Alaina fight over who would get to take the "Princess Bride" movie when they move out.  I informed them that neither of them would be taking it and that they would have to buy their own.  The kids then freaked out and said  "But we won't know where to buy it!"  My response was "If you don't know where to buy it, then you are probably not ready to move out!"

After dropping the kids off at school the girls and I got to enjoy Stay at Home Tuesday.  I caught up on my Bible study (yes, I had gotten behind) while the girls caught up on Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  Afterwards we made zucchini bread together and then painted bathing suits on the girls Barbies...yup, you heard me right...

So yesterday during Ky's playdate, Alaina decided she was going to play dress-up in the same room as Ky's friend.  Yeah--she is getting a bit old for this and STILL doesn't seem to get it.  So I used the Barbie activity as a chance to talk about modesty.  We discussed how our privates are made special and a gift from God--and therefore we should not show them to others.  That is something special to be shared with a husband.  I pointed out how the Barbie's were not setting a very good example and maybe we should paint on bathing suits that way they aren't ever laying around naked (how embarassing!)  Well the girls loved the idea--and hopefully gained some insight (*fingers crossed*).  And yes, they were one piece bathing suits! 

I am thankful for this wonderful bonding time we had together.  And the girls loved it.  Now I just need to buy nail polish remover at the store tomorrow to help fix the "mistakes".  BTW--I love Pinterest for giving me ideas like this!

After that it was off to school with Alaina.  I have to say I was READY to put Talia to bed.  She has been pushing the limits all morning.  She had already changed her entire outfit for an accident and then she has this new fascination with playing in the sink....so she soaked herself after telling her several times not to...and I wasn't going to give her another shirt, so she lost her shirt for the day (just in case you notice in the pictures.)  BTW--isn't that ironic, here I am teaching them about modesty and Talia is topless.  Looking back on this, I must have sounded a bit like a hypocrite.  Oy!

Okay--I just have to say that I find it amusing that all my children are smelling my feet right now....This is because Ky has stinky feet--UGH!  and I made the comment that I could smell him walking by.  Naturally--that made him want to smell my feet--and then get the girls to smell them.  I am thankful that my children are amusing.  I am not thankful that they are kind of gross. 

I spent "nap time" relaxing (and doing some basement cleaning and touch up on the dolls).  It was nice.  After school pick-up Alaina read me a story she wrote on her dog Bear.  I find this amusing because she shouldn't really remember Bear.  I think she remembers him through Ky's stories.  She was 1.5 or so when we rehomed him.  It was a cute story.  I was impressed. 

At dinner I introduced Manners Monday (okay so it's Tuesday--but you get the idea).  Our mascot, until I buy a monkey,was a pony.  The idea behind Manners Monday is that every Monday I introduce a new manner and we practice it at the table.  If the manner is broken, that person earns the pony (soon to be monkey).  Whoever has the pony at the end of the meal is responsible for cleanup--including putting food away, washing dishes, and vacuuming the dining room floor.  Tonight, the rule was "No interrupting".  The kids did great.  No one earned the pony, so Rob and I cleaned up (which we usually do anyway.)  The rule will continue through the week and then next Monday we will add a new rule....so thing will start to get complicated, but at least they had a week to practice the new rule before another one gets added.   Hopefully this goes well.  The kids need motivation and I need help in addressing their  manners more often.  With 3 kids, I don't always catch them--and it seems that because there isn't usually a consequence for their actions they don't care as much.  We will see how it goes. 

Well that is all for now.  Oh wait!  I forgot to say that I am thankful for the weather!  Yes I am!  42 degrees ABOVE zero!  Woo-hoo!  That is pretty exciting.  I am hopeful for spring soon!

John 15:9-12
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you, now remain in my love.  If you obey my commands you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remian in his love.  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.  My command is this:  Love each other as I have loved you.


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