Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, February 17

This morning I was blessed by a call from my neighbor telling me that her husband will be coming home either today or tomorrow (since I haven't seen them, I am assuming tomorrow now.)  I am ecstatic that his recovery has been going so well.  I know the family will be so happy to have him home again.

I was blessed by the multiple friends I ran into at the store this morning.  (I should shop on Monday's more often!)  It is such a nice feeling to see  your friends and quickly catch up during the hustle and bustle of every day life. 

I am thankful for the snow.  I know it was heavy and people are growing tired of it, but it was beautiful at times with large flakes fluttering down.  I am also thankful for the warmer temps that made shoveling nice.  Speaking of shoveling--I am thankful for the neighbors that shoveled our sick neighbor's driveway.  Is there any better way to show love and compassion!?

I am thankful for the crockpot.  I just love prepping a meal earlier in they day and enjoying the smells of it in the afternoon and then devouring it at dinner with little work.  Today was meatloaf & potatoes--something we don't have very often.

I am especially thankful for the surprise phone call I received from my Aunt today.  I instantly recognized her voice.  It was great to hear from her and catch up on what has been going on.  Sometimes you don't realize how much you miss home until you have a connection to remind you.  I miss my extended family.  It has been too long since we all have been together.  Perhaps a reunion should be planned.

I John 3:1
How great is the love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are.

I am thankful for playdates.  Ky had a wonderful playdate with his friend Noah.  I had them do homework together first and I think it really helped them to see that they aren't the only ones with homework and it does take some time.  I am also thankful that his teacher continues to challenge him. He brought home addition of fractions and then addition, subtraction and multiplication with NEGATIVES!  WOW!  I haven't talked to him about it, but I am curious to see how he is doing with it. 

I am thankful for the time Ky and I had together shoveling.  It gave us time to chat.  I love my talks with him.  We also talked on the way to swim class tonight.  Our discussions were about antibodies and how they work and how antibodies ignore cancer and how heart attacks happen.  Yeah--he was full of questions. 

I am also thankful for videos that entertained the girls while we shoveled.  I am thankful for Alaina's hugs and "fill in the blank questions."  (i.e Mom gives me _____ before I go to bed.  Answer--kisses.) 

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