Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Wednesday, February 5

Busy grocery morning as usual, but I was excited when my friend Michele brought me her Pampered Chef potato chip maker to try out.  I didn't have time to try it out today, but hopefully tomorrow.  I am so thankful for friends that are happy to share.  I hope that I can always easily share with others as well.

I am also thankful that when I dropped Ky off at school this morning that he reminded me that I had not dropped off a check for the kids to have hot lunches this morning.  What a great kid!  I did write the check out and took it to school when I went back later--but I forgot to turn it in--oops!  Good thing I have Ky to do it for me tomorrow!  I love that kid.  Speaking of which, he sent me an email today that said this:

I love you all i wanted to say hi i will say it  by.

Yup!  I love that kid.

Today my helping at Ky's school was great.  I spoke to his teacher for a bit and found out that she attended the same post graduate teacher certification program at Concordia that I did.  We also talked about how she got her Master's from Concordia as well AND that they have Alternative Education licensing that I can get if I take two courses during my Master's.  She got me all excited.  I immediately went to Concordia's site (when I got home) and looked it up.  YUP!  I have been planning to get my Master's for a while, but I knew that I wanted it something to do with At Risk kids.  So--if I get this licensing while doing my Master's it would cover that!  Yeah!  I requested info and now look forward to hearing from them and talking with Rob tonight about my findings. 

Talia was such a blessing in Ky's class as well (when she wasn't claiming she had to poop!)  Sidenote:  So you know how she is obsessed with public potties---yup she demanded to go at school so I took her.  Well, much like most school bathrooms, it was dark and so she didn't enjoy sitting in the dark.  She was quickly "done" and we got to go back to the classroom.  Anyway--she sat and was a good listener while another student read to her.  I am so happy that she motivates these kids!  Yeah!  Now Talia and I are both able to help Ky's teacher. 

After school, I worked with Alaina on adding double digit numbers.  I was amazed by how quickly she picked up on it!  In fact, she enjoyed it so much she wanted to finish the page (I only assigned her half!)  and the next page!  I am so thankful that she was able to have that wonderful accomplished feeling and that she could see how smart she really is. 

Speaking of helpfulness.  Since the summer, Ky has been chopping our veggies for us and making salad.  I taught him over the summer and he does a really nice job.  I am so proud of him and thankful that he can help out with this family chore that often seems daunting to me when I have so much else to do.

Tonight, I finished half of the trim in the girls' room.  I LOVE my miter box.  I am excited about finishing it.  I am thankful that my husband picked it up from the store for me and I am thankful for YouTube which helped to educate me on how to make my cuts. 

Another great day-- no basement cleaning, there was no time.  But I will be back to that soon enough.  Now we get to look forward to a Valentine's Craft party at a friend's house tomorrow.  YEAH!

I Chronicles 29: 12-14
Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name. “But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able thus to offer willingly? For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you.

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