Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26

Today, I am thankful for good friends who listen and give advice.  I am thankful for friends that know me well and can tell me that I am "WAY OVERTHINKING THINGS!"  Because that is what I do--and while it is my strongest ally it is my worst enemy. 

I am thankful that I FINALLY finished Alaina's bedskirt and she LOVES it.  And now Talia wants one....Hmmm...I wasn't planning on making one for her bed since she probably wouldn't be in it that much longer.  I am going to have to think about that....

I am thankful for bananas!  LOTS OF BANANAS!  And inspirations from bananas!  (See picture below--if you are reading early, see the picture that I put up over the weekend.)

I am thankful that even though I went WAY over my food budget this week, I got enough good deals that I expect my next 3 weeks of shopping to be underbudget.  I am thankful that we have the "extra" to be able to go over budget when many don't.  I am thankful that I also have the next month of meals planned out and the groceries purchased for it.

I am thankful for kids that play, morning, noon, and night.  That are active and run around with glee.  I am thankful for neighbor friends that happily join in the games. I am thankful for overcrowded van carpools where we can still sing and laugh. 

I am thankful for Ky's teacher.  I am thankful that I get to work in my son's class every week.  I am thankful that she has added to my load of working with students in reading (even though I don't know Spanish!)  I am thankful to be used. 

I am thankful that she now takes 20 minutes a day to work with Ky in his Math to challenge him.  Today she showed me his results and he scored 3rd/4th grade level which is low (for him.)  She showed me the silly mistakes he made and how he should have been higher (5th maybe 6th grade).  She showed me how the proctor showed her that Ky thrives on story problems and can readily see how to solve and answer ALL questions in a problem.  Many kids struggle at that.  She doesn't know exactly where to go from here with his Math, but is waiting to speak to a referring teacher and for now is looking to continue to challenge him.  I am honored to have a child gifted in math--something Rob and I also enjoy so much.  It is exciting to share that talent with him.

I am thankful for awesome neighbors (does this sound familiar?)  Yet another neighbor came over today to contribute to our neighbor with health problems.  I am also thankful that our other neighbor's knee surgery went well.  I pray that he will recover quickly and be back to walking soon. 

I am thankful that despite -10 degree wind chills, the kids still want to play outside.  What a blessing it is to have kids that enjoy the outdoors. 

I am thankful for our marriage seminar and having the time for Rob and I to connect. I am thankful for that time without kids.  I am thankful for other adults to related to.

I am thankful for Ky's excitement with AWANA's and how he wants to go every week.  I am happy that he enjoys it.  I am also very proud of my boy who picked out prizes for his sister today. He picked out lip gloss for Alaina and a fruit roll-up for Talia.  He is such a thoughtful boy.  I am so proud of him.

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

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