Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, February 15

Today I am thankful for Ky's last basketball game.  The game went well and I am glad he enjoyed it, however, he definitely needs a better program in the future if he wants to continue on with it.  I am thankful for Alaina's opportunity in ballet.  I know she feels a little lost on some of the steps, but I have a plan to help her--I just need to talk to her teacher next week. 

I am thankful for our neighbor's continued recovery.  Today he has sat up and the catheter was removed.  He still has chest tubes in, but they are hopeful that he will be well enough for visitors tomorrow--which is his daughter's birthday. 

I am thankful for family days.  Rob and I had planned to take the kids to Chuck E Cheese for good grades, however, we decided not to eat the pizza (bleh!) especially since we were having pizza/movie night for dinner.  It didn't make sense to have it for lunch as well.  We let Talia decide on where we would each lunch at.  She chose Barbie's (aka Arby's).  (Yes, we attempted to correct her many times.)  I am thankful for our time at Chuck E Cheese and that we found a parking spot!  It was CROWDED!  I am thankful for the great time the kids had. 

I am thankful for the relaxing 1.5 hours we had before church.  It was nice to just sit and play.  I am thankful for Saturday night church. It was nice to attend so that the kids could go to the train show tomorrow morning with Grandpa.  I am  thankful for Grandpa's safe drive here and that he was able to enjoy Pizza/movie night with us.  We watched Alice and Wonderland.  I sat through most of it.  That  movie is so chaotic, I actually find it stressful to watch.  (I am thankful I can return it to the library later this week.)

Finally, I am thankful that we were able to keep Ky from learning what McDonald's was for 4 years.  At 2, Alaina figured out it was "Old McDonald's."   And now at age 2, Talia calls it "Donald Duck".  (As she told me in the car the other day, "I want to go to Donald Duck's!")  I am not a fan of McDonald's--but in the winter the play area becomes a wonderful thing--and playdates work out there well.  So I guess I am a teeny tiny bit thankful for McDonald's. ;P

Philippians 2:4
Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.


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