Monday, February 03, 2014

Monday February 3

It's always a good day when I friend tells you they are expecting a baby!  Eeeek!  I love the miracle of new life.  I am so thankful for this new blessing and I pray that this first trimester quickly passes and she feels better soon.  I also pray protection on this baby as he/she develops.  I especially appreciated when this friend told me before telling others--that makes me feel good.  (I know it's a little selfish--but it means that she values me!)

After that my day was pretty bright--even when Talia had to go to the bathroom not once but TWICE at the same store--and yes she pooped and was in there a VERY long time.  At least I had an interesting book to look at in my cart while I waited.  I got a really neat looking book on cake decorating.  I can't wait to go through it!  Thank you God for the cake decorating book!  And I found a winter coat for Ky next year or the year after.  It's a basketball winter coat that is in great shape!  (Have you figured out I was at Saver's yet?! Yup, master shopper of second hand goods--that's what I am!)

The girls and I had a nice lunch and Alaina was a WONDERFUL helper by reading to Talia and putting her to bed for nap.  (Talia wanted her to. She didn't even give me a kiss before going to bed. :(  My little girl is growing up!) 

Alaina then worked on writing words in her journal while I took care of laundry and doing a little cleaning the basement (yes, the goal for a clean basment by the end of February has begun!)  I am so proud of her.  She is working so hard on learning to spell.

The kids and I made chocolate chip cookies for snack together. Mmmmm Cookie dough!  It has been too long!  We had a fun time--let's be honest, anytime chocolate is involved a good time will be had by all.

I then made dinner, which should have been an easy new recipe, but it wasn't.  I cooked the potatoes in the oven and then had to place the chicken on top of the potatoes (on a rack) half way through cooking. I wasn't thinking far enough ahead.  When it was time to place the chicken on top, I realized the upper oven shelf was in the way.  So I pulled it out and placed it on the rug by the sink.  Well--I wasn't thinking--hot rack--carpet.  Carpet is NOT like a yes I did--I melted the fibers in my beautiful matching rug in the shape of the oven rack!  ACK! 

And to make things even worse, the chicken was not cooked on time!  We HAD to eat at 6 so the kids could leave for the first day of swimming at 6:30!  BLAH!  Needless to say, I will not be doing that recipe again.  It was a neat idea, but the chicken was partly burnt by the time it was done and yeah--we were a bit rushed to eat and enjoy it.  (If you can enjoy burnt chicken.)  I am thankful for the plentiful food we have, and if burning is my rare complaint, I am truly blessed.

While I am sad about my rug, I can do without it (though for now I will keep it because it keeps my feet warm.)  I am just sad since it matched my living room rug and the additional rug in the kitchen. 

To add to my reckless evening, I took the kids to swim class and crawled to the top of the bleachers to sit with a friend and watch the kids.  And then I dropped my phone---yup--through the bleachers all the way to the hard cement below.  Yeah, probably a 10 - 12 foot drop.  I am thankful for friendly people around me who told me how to handle it.  I am thankful for the lifeguard that helped me get it.  I am thankful I didn't make too many people upset when they had to move so the bleachers could be pushed it to retrieve it.  And I am most thankful that it DID NOT break!  YEAH! 

But let's be honest--none of this craziness matters in the big picture because God has created a new life in a friend.  A person created in his image!  What a day to celebrate!  I am excited! I love babies!  And I know that this child will be raised as a child of God and thrive in his/her family.  Yeah!

So--the kids are off to bed and I am off to relax and savor the remainder of this wonderful day!

Psalms 136:1-2
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever; to him who alone does great wonders, for his steadfast love endures forever; to him who by understanding made the heavens, for his steadfast love endures forever;

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