Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Tuesday, February 4th

Stay at home Tuesday!  YEAH!

This morning at breakfast Talia had a FIT because she wanted a "monkey banana".  I eventually figured out that a "monkey banana" was a banana that was partially peeled so that the skins were hanging down.  Egads!  Really kid?

It was another great day.  I vacuumed the downstairs.  The girls and I had a tea party in their room with all their stuff animals.  And then the girls and I baked peanut butter pumpkin bread together and I made substitutions to make the recipe healthier and it worked out great!  (flax seed for eggs, applesauce for oil, reduced sugar by half!)   It was wonderful baking with the girls again.  I missed it. 

After that I wanted to do a project with the girls, but I did such a great job at organizing the house that I couldn't find where I put the contact paper!  ARGH!  So we built Alaina's Home Depot Tic Tac Toe board instead.  Then the girls wanted to paint it so I set them up with paints.

So here I am with VERY clean house, freshly baked bread, two occupied girls--seriously I must have looked like Betty Crocker (and I even had an apron on!) and along comes our friend Karl with our replacement window for Ky's room.  Yeah--I felt pretty proud of myself.  My house never looks like this when company comes over, let alone unexpected company.  Boy talk about feeling pretty good about myself.  In retrospect, I am betting Karl didn't even notice.  First of all he is a guy and secondly he had a job to do.  At any rate, I was pretty proud of myself.

After dropping Alaina off at school, Talia and I went to Kohl's to pick up our new blender--THE NINJA!  Yup, we got one.  It was time we had something to take care of our smoothies.  I was so excited--my neighbor had offered to get Alaina from school for me so that meant Talia could sleep longer for her nap so I could run and get the Ninja now while I was already out of the house.  What a blessing it was for her to offer that! 
My good friend Olesya called after I put Talia down for a nap and we had a great chat about our day.  I was on the phone for almost an hour!  (Can you believe it?!  That is rare for me!)  The Lord has provided me with another great friend and I am excited about it (and she offered to take my kids so I could go grocery shopping--do friends get any better than this!?  I don't think so!) 

At 5:00 we went to Ky's school for technology night.  He showed me the piece he had written...Here it is...

Por Kylan Schnake

Primero en el invierno está frió y está nevando. A veces agua se cae en las casas y se congelan y convierta en carámbanos. En el invierno hay nieve en el piso y la nieve está blanca. En el invierno podemos patinar. En el invierno puedes deslizarse. En el invierno necesitas botas de nieve guantes gorro pantalones de nieve una chaqueta y una bufanda. En el invierno puedes hacer un muñeco de nieve. En el invierno puedes patinar en el hielo. En el invierno puedes jugar en la nieve. En el invierno los árboles no tienen hojas. En el invierno estamos adentrando casa mucho porque es tan frío. En el invierno está frío y necesitas ropa abrigada.

Isn't that amazing?!  My boy does so well in Spanish.  I am so blessed to have this opportunity for him to learn Spanish and am thankful he is doing so well.  I am so proud of him.  I really do love our school.  Our schol has one of the highest poverty rates in Madison.  In fact, I heard recently that 1 out of every 7 students is homeless and yet this school does so well.  The staff is truly amazing.  The commitment to these children is outstanding.  I would not want my kid any where else.  Speaking of his school, Ky sent me an email today with this--and it just made my day...


Yup--that's his voice!  Isn't technology amazing!

I am so proud of him.  He is currently reading at a level 24 (end of year goal level is 22 and remember he is reading in Spanish.)  He works so hard and does so well!

At technology night I was able to talk with a few other friends I saw.  I am so blessed with wonderful friends who also go through some of the same difficulties as me.  It is wonderful to know that I am not alone in "this boat."  And that they can provide ideas for me and I, for them.  God definitely had no intention for us to be "alone" in this world.

When we got home Nana was here and the kids were ecstatic.  I am so thankful for her and her close relationship she has formed with the children.  They really treasure her!  I am thankful that she drives to our house to see them--even if just for a couple of hours.  That time means the world to our kids--and the world to Rob and I .  Even we get some fringe benefits out of it like being able to escape to the coffee shop for a few hours (me drinking tea of course.)  It was a wonderful evening to connect with my best friend.  And now, I am tired.  Tomorrow is a new day and I get to help in Ky's class.  I am excited about that and a little concerned since Talia has stayed up until 10 PM.  Hopefully she can behave in Ky's class tomorrow and not be crabby. 

I Chronicles 29:13
And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.

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