Friday, February 07, 2014

Friday, February 7

I am thankful for subbing today.  I am so blessed to have a little boy rush down the stairs at 7:00 this morning to give me a hug and kiss goodbye (even though I wasn't ready yet.)  He told me he didn't want to miss saying goodbye to me.  I loved the hugs from the girls this morning as I left.  I loved knowing that my husband will have a special day with them. 

I loved that I didn't teach 1st hour so I got to relax when I got to school.  I actually enjoyed teaching 4 hours of study hall (if you can call it teaching.)  I loved that during one class period, I was able to help a student with his math.  I loved the few students who took the extra time to talk to me today.  I loved that even when I had some unruly kids in Spanish today, I kept my cool.  I loved that after I "took care" of the unruly kids I was able to open up to the class and let them know how I felt.  I loved the looks of understanding and a few shining glimmers of "sorries".  I loved the brief one on one with one of the kids I had to encourage him to focus on himself.  I love *hoping* that maybe, just *maybe* I planted the seed and the kid will think a little more next time a similar situation arises.  I love teaching.  I miss it.  I am so thankful for the opportunities to go back, even if it is just a snapshot for a day.  I love knowing that God wants me in schools.  I love knowing he has such a special plan with me and these kids.

I loved that a teacher talked to me about the class afterwards and was impressed by my attitude.  I love that it reflected Jesus.  I love that during the study hall prior to that class I read the next chapter of Lisa Terkeurst's "Unglued" and I really think it helped me deal with the class.  I am so thankful for authors like her that are helping me build a stronger relationship with Christ. 

I am thankful that after school I had time to stop at Half Price Books.  I am thankful I found another devotional book for the kids.  I am thankful that when I came home I was greeted by a yummy smelling dinner and happy kids.  I am thankful that Rob is a great cook and I am super grateful that he made AWESOME brussel sprouts!  (Seriously, you haven't had brussel sprouts until Rob has made them for you!)

I am thankful that after dinner I finished the trim in the girls' room.  It's really coming along now.  All that is left is curtains, bed skirts and pictures!  I am thankful that Ky forgave me after I broke 2 more of his bobble heads.  (The fell off the shelf in his room when I was nailing trim in the girls' room.)  And now I am thankful they are in bed.  I look forward to relaxing with Rob and perhaps enjoying a nighttime ice cream...

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

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