Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20

Is it really Thursday?  I feel like this day has snuck up on me. 

Despite the nasty forecast, today was actually good.  Playgroup was cancelled since we were expected to have icy roads.  So instead I went to the gym and to the bread store (we LOVE the bread store) and then to the furniture store.  I found out this morning they were having a big "going out of business sale" and Rob and I need new couches in the family room.  The kids are literally pulling the stuffing out of the holes in our current couch.  Yeah--they had options, none that I loved, a few that I tolerated.  I figured I would come back with Rob later to reconsider.

After the runing around the girls and I walked Alaina to school.  We were very excited to find Talia's hat (it has been left on a bench by the office.)  She was very sad she had lost her kitty hat.  It was a nice walk, except that it did start to rain on us on the way back and Talia was NOT happy with that.  I was just happy and thankful that it was warm enough to rain! 

After our walk, Talia and I enjoyed lunch together where our sandwiches talked to each other and then got eaten (you had to be there!)  I treasure these moments as I know she is getting bigger and soon she will be in school too. 

After I picked up the kids from school, the afternoon got messy.  The kids were crabby and not wanting to do their work.  I think their moods kind of reflected the weather which was very windy and wet.  We ate a quick dinner and then headed to the school Pajama Jam where the kids got their hair painted and enjoyed popcorn and cake and dancing.  I loved watching Talia attempt to dance like the big kids.  It was very cute.  Kylan spent his time chasing his friends and Alaina....well she seemed indecisive on what she wanted to do.

We had a good time and I am thankful that our school does these activities.  I am also thankful for the opportunity to meet several other moms at the school and talk with them.  I even exchanged numbers with one for a playdate in the future. 

We did go back to the furniture store, but Rob agreed with me--we just didn't love the couches so we just needed to look elsewhere.  UGH---I am not really looking forward to searching out a new couch, but I will be thankful when we get one.

I'm also a little sad that I missed my book study tonight.  Between the weather, the Pajama Jam, and a friend that needed a favor (which got cancelled later), it just wasn't going to happen.  Oh, well.  I am thankful there will be other opportunities to go and that I was able to spend time with my family and be there for a friend if she needed me.

Isaiah 55:12
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace.

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