Sunday, February 09, 2014

Sunday, February 9

I am thankful that I have healthy normal children that sound like elephants in the morning.  Sometimes I am amazed by the amount of noise these three small children can make.  I am thankful for their strong lungs, vocal chords, and muscled bodies.

Today I served in the children's area in Talia's class.  I am thankful for the opportunity and love being in the class with my daughter.  I am thankful that Talia loves me so much that she actually became jealous today when I was working with other kids.  I pray that she can grow to be more confident in my love that she does not feel she needs to be jealous.  And I pray that any gaps in her heart are filled so she can be at peace. 

After church we again attended a movie at the theater.  This time we saw Turbo.  I am so thankful that we were able to see this movie as a family.  The kids enjoyed it.  It was a cute movie--and I got a little exercise taking the kids to and from the bathroom. 

We enjoyed a nice lunch as a family and then Alaina and I went out to finish our "date" from last month (we didn't go out to eat, we just did a movie since I was clean eating.)  We first ran to the store to pick up some pillows and I let her look at the shoes, dresses and hats in her clothing area.  She fell in love with some sparkly dresses--they were totally her!  She was very cute.

After the store we went to Culver's where we enjoyed custard.  Alaina got a chocolate sundae topped with cherries and brownies.  She love it (and her face definitely showed it!)  I am thankful that we had this time together.  She told me that she loves playing veterinarian and that she wants to be a teacher when she grows up.  We played "I Spy" together before returning home. 

I am thankful that we had a nice time and Rob dealt with Talia and her bad attitude.  She wanted ice cream and Rob told her she would have to finish her soup from lunch first.  Yeah...she had no desire to do that, so that pretty much set her off.  I will be thankful when she is 3 1/2.  I know this age well and it is a LOT of testing of boundaries and emotional explosions.  Talia is in the thick of this. 

I am also thankful that Rob worked with Kylan on some work and taught him how to divide with remainders.  Ky caught on very quickly and did well.  I am thankful that the kids wanted to fill out their Valentine Day cards today and they are done.  I am proud of Alaina because that is a LOT of writing for a girl her age.  I was also touched by the Valentine Ky made for Rob and I and attached candy to.  He is such a sweet boy. 

I am thankful that Rob made dinner tonight so I could update my blog with pictures and start on laundry.  I am thankful for the time we played Cootie as a game tonight.  Even though no one was getting the number they needed, it was still fun!  And hey!  I won!  I am thankful I will have the girls home tomorrow.  I am starting to miss Alaina already even though full day Kindergarten doesen't begin until September.  I just know I am going to miss her!  She is such a wonderful young lady. the Public School System robs me of my children--but I am thankful for them too!  They teach my children so much!

Psalm 9:2
 I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

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