Sunday, February 02, 2014

Sunday, February 2nd

Happy National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day!  Did you have some?  We sure did!  And boy were the kids excited to celebrate.  We had ice cream on waffles Daddy had made the night before, with fudge, bananas and sprinkles (of course!)  Oh--and it was ground hog day and he saw his shadow so 6 weeks more of winter--but seriously--didn't we already know that?  In fact I am betting it will be 8 more weeks of winter. 

Anyway--we had a nice morning.  The kids were quite motivated to get ready for church after having ice cream for breakfast and boy was it nice to be on time! :)  After church we went to the movie theater to see Despicable Me 2.  It was a great movie. The kids liked and I enjoyed watching Rob laugh at it too.  Even more I enjoyed watching Rob sitting with Talia in his lap while they watched the movie.  Those moments are just so special to me. 

After the movie, I was blessed with a laid back afternoon where I put pics on this blog and updated yesterday (since I got home too late last night to do it.)  Lorayne came over around 4 and then played games with the kiddos while Rob and I prepared Super Bowl food.  Rob made guacomole (yum!)  and I made pretzels...mmm...Here's the recipe...these did literally take 30 minutes or so...and I was so motivated, that I made another batch to freeze!  (And in the second batch I substituted honey for the sugar! Clean Eating--remember!)

Anyway--we had a great time with Lorayne again.  It is too bad she lives so far away.  Hopefully, she will visit soon.  And we do plan to visit in the next several years, but right now we need Talia to get a little older and travel better.  So the SuperBowl was pretty boring, thankfully there were a few good commercials to make it all better!   And I was able to get some mending done during the game--that's how boring it I guess all in all the Super Bowl was a blessing. 

I'm tired now, so I think I will head to bed shortly....until tomorrow...

Colossions 1:16
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

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